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Various answers
Level | Answer
1 (0) | Batman
1 (1) | Mario
1 (2) | Oprah
1 (3) | Hangover
1 (4) | Steve Jobs
1 (5) | Spongebob
1 (6) | Rio de Janeiro
1 (7) | Lebron James
1 (8) | Facebook
1 (9) | Lord of the Rings
2 (10) | Madonna
2 (11) | The Beatles
2 (12) | Egypt
2 (13) | Buzz Lightyear
2 (14) | Starbucks
2 (15) | Harry Potter
2 (16) | Hulk
2 (17) | Microsoft
2 (18) | Men in Black
2 (19) | James Bond
2 (20) | Flint (Stones
2 (21) | Wall (E
2 (22) | Argo
2 (23) | Coca Cola
2 (24) | Battleship
3 (25) | Macy’s
3 (26) | Toy Story
3 (27) | Samsung
3 (28) | Levi’s
3 (29) | Mickey Mouse
3 (30) | Catch Me If You Can
3 (31) | Monsters University
3 (32) | Arnold
3 (33) | Spiderman
3 (34) | YouTube
3 (35) | Pacman
3 (36) | Forrest Gump
3 (37) | NY Yankees
3 (38) | Michael Jackson
3 (39) | Snoopy
3 (40) | Two and a half Men
3 (41) | Disney
3 (42) | Lilo and Stitch
3 (43) | Nemo
3 (44) | Sony
4 (45) | Avengers
4 (46) | Django
4 (47) | McDonald
4 (48) | Captain America
4 (49) | Great Wall
4 (50) | Wreck (It Ralph
4 (51) | Minnie Mouse
4 (52) | New York
4 (53) | Marilyn Monroe
4 (54) | Final Destination
4 (55) | Android
4 (56) | X (Men
4 (57) | Bowser
4 (58) | Phila (delphia
4 (59) | Ninja Turtles
4 (60) | Woody
4 (61) | Red Bull
4 (62) | Gossip Girl
4 (63) | Emma Watson
4 (64) | Flight
4 (65) | Kill Bill
4 (66) | Runaway Bride
4 (67) | Tron
4 (68) | Ironman
4 (69) | CSI
4 (70) | Wolverine
4 (71) | Lara Croft
4 (72) | Madagascar
4 (73) | Lady Gaga
4 (74) | Twitter
5 (75) | Elvis
5 (76) | Sin City
5 (77) | The Dark Knight
5 (78) | Yoshi
5 (79) | United Airlines
5 (80) | Brokeback Mountain
5 (81) | Earnhardt Jr
5 (82) | PSY
5 (83) | Transformers
5 (84) | Berlin
5 (85) | Pretty Woman
5 (86) | Chanel
5 (87) | Yogi Bear
5 (88) | Brad Pitt
5 (89) | Garfield
5 (90) | Sydney
5 (91) | The Hobbit
5 (92) | Rome
5 (93) | Champions League
5 (94) | Justin Bieber
5 (95) | HBO
5 (96) | Obama
5 (97) | Brave
5 (98) | Life of Pi
5 (99) | Cristiano Ronaldo
5 (100) | Charlie
5 (101) | Joker
5 (102) | Pikachu
5 (103) | Amusement Park
5 (104) | Cast Away
5 (105) | Skyfall
5 (106) | Jack Sparrow
5 (107) | Zero Dark Thirty
5 (108) | Victoria’s Secret
5 (109) | Bill Gates
6 (110) | Darth Vader
6 (111) | Indiana Jones
6 (112) | Bugs Bunny
6 (113) | Inspector Gadget
6 (114) | Twilight
6 (115) | Terminator
6 (116) | Kobe Bryant
6 (117) | Budweiser
6 (118) | David Beckham
6 (119) | Sex and the City
6 (120) | Dr Evil
6 (121) | NCIS
6 (122) | Tokyo
6 (123) | Visa
6 (124) | Sonic
6 (125) | Google
6 (126) | Houston Rockets
6 (127) | Silvester Stallone
6 (128) | Paris
6 (129) | Fedex
6 (130) | Tiger Woods
6 (131) | Moscow
6 (132) | Eat, Pray, Love
6 (133) | SF 49ers
6 (134) | Inception
6 (135) | Einstein
6 (136) | Superman
6 (137) | Manchester United
6 (138) | San Francisco
6 (139) | Morgan Freeman
6 (140) | Dear John
6 (141) | Six Flags
6 (142) | Robert Downey Jr
6 (143) | Ted
6 (144) | The Godfather
6 (145) | Naruto
6 (146) | Chicago Bulls
6 (147) | Bangkok
6 (148) | Abercrombie and Fitch
6 (149) | M & M’s