Oregon Trail: American Settler, The (Android)


Various Game Tips

Coins is the main game currency which is used when you collect rent from properties or collect for various quests, crops, etc. You must use energy to perform all tasks on the frontier. Energy regenerates at a rate of one point every three minutes. Once you begin a new account, log in only with email, no social networks. Once you progress a few levels there is the option to visit other towns. Click it and visit "nearby town". Return from it to your town and you should now have unlimited energy until you exit out of the application. You have the option to see the towns of other players if you wish and to ask them for energy once every 24 hours. In order to visit neighbors you must be signed into at least your Facebook account or one of your other supported social network accounts.

Various Google Play Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock Google Play achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Full Stable (500 experience points)Have all 2 types of adult horses on your land.
A Share of the Profits (500 experience points)Have 4 saloons boosted by the same decoration.
A Wise Investment (500 experience points)Have 1 bank with a bonus payout of at least 25%
Agricultural Investment (500 experience points)Spend 42,600 coins on crops.
Blue Ribbon Prize Crops (500 experience points)Harvest 122 potatoes.
Branching Out (500 experience points)Chop trees 50 times in a friend's town.
Bustlin' City (500 experience points)Reach level 40
But you can only carry... (500 experience points)Be able to store 5,000 lbs of food.
Charming Little Village (500 experience points)Reach level 18
Donner... Party of 4 (500 experience points)Have 1 tombstone for each family member type.
Farmin' a Week Straight (500 experience points)Play the game 5 days in a row.
Forging a New Beginning (500 experience points)Collect 70 items from crafting buildings.
Gettin' the Buck (500 experience points)Hunt down and kill 39 wild deer
Gold Rush! (500 experience points)Collect from 8 gold rocks.
Handy with a Hammer (500 experience points)Populate your land with 19 barracks.
Hippocratic Oath (500 experience points)Save 66 people from dying.
Holdin' Down the Forts (500 experience points)Build 5 Forts on your land.
Makin' a Big Deposit (500 experience points)Save up at least 134,300 coins.
Makin' the Place Shiny (500 experience points)Place 50 decorations on your land.
Most valued Customer (500 experience points)Collect from a friend's general store 49 times.
New Land, New Life (500 experience points)Reach level 9
Oregon's Most Wanted (500 experience points)Defeat 100 wanted bandits.
Plantin' Yer Roots (500 experience points)Plant 30 trees on your land.
Pony Up Them Coins! (500 experience points)Collect 1,860 coins from the Pony Express.
Poppin' the Kernels (500 experience points)Plant 1,885 corn crops.
Raisin' 'Em Right (500 experience points)Have 8 different animals on your land.
Rel 'Em In (500 experience points)Catch 13 rare fish.
Small Town (500 experience points)Reach level 29
Supply All That Demand (500 experience points)Supply your Tavern 198 times.
Take Cover Animals! (500 experience points)Shoot at wild animals 99 times.
The Buffalo Kid (500 experience points)Defeat 80 buffalo.
Trailblazin' (500 experience points)Visit 42 friends towns.
Westward Expansion (500 experience points)Purchase 3 land expansions.
You survived Dysentery! (500 experience points)Cure 37 people of dysentery.