Achievement | How to unlock
Achieve Ivan Lv.5 | Achieve Ivan Lv.5.
Achieve Sara Lv.5 | Achieve Sara Lv.5.
City development I | Achieve City Lv.5.
City development II | Achieve City Lv.10.
City development III | Achieve City Lv.15.
City development IV | Achieve City Lv.20.
City development IX | Achieve City Lv.45.
City development V | Achieve City Lv.25.
City development VI | Achieve City Lv.30.
City development VII | Achieve City Lv.35.
City development VIII | Achieve City Lv.40.
City development X | Achieve City Lv.50.
City development XI | Achieve City Lv.55.
City development XII | Achieve City Lv.60.
Companion-in-arms I | Obtain 2 heroes.
Companion-in-arms II | Obtain 3 heroes.
Companion-in-arms III | Obtain 4 heroes.
High quality equipment | 100 material consumed.
Improved combat support I | Achieve 1 Shadow Techs Lv.5.
Improved combat support II | Achieve 6 Shadow Techs Lv.5.
Investment for Growth I | 200K cumulative use of gold.
Investment for Growth II | 400K cumulative use of gold.
Investment for Growth III | 600K cumulative use of gold.
Investment for Growth IV | 800K cumulative use of gold.
Investment for Growth V | 1M cumulative use of gold.
Landmark Recovery | First construction of Empire State Building.
The beginning of a counterattack | The first entrance into the city.