Little Alchemy (Android)

Candy combinations

Combine the indicated elements to create the corresponding candy.

Atomic FireballsFire + Atomic Bomb
Cadbury EggsChocolate + Egg
CaramelFire + Sugar
Caramel AppleOrchard + Caramel
CarameloCaramel + Chocolate
ChocolateRiver + Willy Wonka
Chocolate MilkChocolate + Milk
Cookie DoughCookie + Dough
Cotton CandyElectricity + Sugar
Frozen YogurtCold + Yogurt
Fun DipSugar + Sand
GoldfishFish + Cheese
Guiness FloatIce Cream + Beer
Juicy FruitJuice + Fruit
Milky WaySpace + Milk
MoundsCoconut + Chocolate
NerdsNerd + Sugar
PeepsSugar + Chicken
PokkiComputer + Squirrel
Pop RocksExplosion + Stone
PopsicleIce + Juice
Red VinesWire + Sugar
Ring PopSugar + Diamond
SkittlesRainbow + Sugar
StarburstRocket + Fruit
Swedish FishSugar + Fish
SweetheartsSugar + Love
TwixCookie + Caramelo
Willy WonkaEngineer + Sugar

Various combinations

Combine the indicated elements to create the new element.

CombinationHow to unlock
Acid RainRain + Smoke
AirplaneBird + Metal, Bird + Steel
Alarm ClockClock + Sound
AlcoholFruit + Time, Juice + Time
AlgaeWater + Plant, Ocean + Plant, Sea + Plant
AlienLife + Space
AllergyHuman + Dust
AlligatorLizard + Swamp
AlpacaMountain + Sheep
AmbulanceHospital + Car, Doctor + Car
AngelHuman + Bird
AnglerHuman + Fishing Rod
AntarcticaSnow + Desert, Ice + Desert
AquariumWater + Glass, Glass + Fish
ArchipelagoIsle + Isle
ArmadilloWild Animal + Armor
ArmorTool + Metal, Tool + Steel
AshVolcano + Energy
AstronautHuman + Moon, Rocket + Human, Human + Space Station
AtmosphereAir + Pressure, Sky + Pressure
Atomic BombEnergy + Explosion
AvalancheEnergy + Snow
AxeBlade + Wood
BaconPig + Fire
BacteriaSwamp + Life
BakerHuman + Bread, Human + Flour
BananaFruit + Monkey
BandageBlood + Fabric
BankHouse + Money, House + Gold
BarnLivestock + House, Cow + House
BatMouse + Bird, Mouse + Sky
BatmanBat + Human
BatterFlour + Milk
BayonetGun + Blade
BbqCampfire + Meat, Campfire + Garden
BeachSea + Sand, Ocean + Sand, Water + Sand
BeaverWild Animal + Wood
BeeFlower + Wild Animal
BeehiveBee + House, Bee + Tree
BeerAlcohol + Wheat
BicycleWheel + Wheel
BirdLife + Sky, Egg + Air, Egg + Sky
BirdhouseBird + House
Black HoleStar + Pressure
BladeMetal + Stone
BlenderBlade + Glass, Blade + Electricity
BlizzardSnow + Wind, Snow + Storm
BloodHuman + Blade
BoatWater + Wood
BoilerSteam + Metal
BoneCorpse + Time
BookPaper + Wood, Paper + Story
BreadFlour + Fire, Dough + Fire
BrickClay + Fire, Mud + Fire, Mud + Sun, Clay + Sun
BridgeRiver + Wood, River + Metal, River + Steel
BroomWood + Hay
BulletGunpowder + Metal
Bulletproof VestArmor + Bullet
BusCar + Car
ButcherHuman + Meat
ButterMilk + Pressure
ButterflyFlower + Wild Animal
CactusSand + Plant, Desert + Plant
CakeDough + Candle
CamelDesert + Horse, Desert + Wild Animal
CampfireFire + Wood
CandleWax + Thread, Wax + Fire
Candy CaneSugar + Christmas Tree
CannonPirate Ship + Gunpowder, Castle + Gunpowder
CarWheel + Metal
Carbon DioxideHuman + Oxygen, Plant + Night, Tree + Night
CartWheel + Wood
CastleHouse + Knight
CatWild Animal + Milk
CatnipCat + Plant
CaviarHard Roe + Human
CentaurHorse + Human
CerealWheat + Milk
ChainsawAxe + Electricity
ChameleonLizard + Rainbow
CharcoalTree + Fire, Wood + Fire
CheeseTime + Milk
CheeseburgerHamburger + Cheese
ChickenLivestock + Bird
ChimneyHouse + Fireplace
Christmas StockingWool + Fireplace
Christmas TreeLight Bulb + Tree
CigaretteTobacco + Paper
CityVillage + Village, Skyscraper + Skyscraper
ClaySand + Mud
ClockTime + Electricity, Time + Wheel
CloudAir + Steam
CoalPressure + Plant
CoconutPalm + Fruit
Coconut MilkCoconut + Tool
CoffinWood + Corpse
ColdHuman + Rain
ComputerTool + Nerd, Electricity + Nerd
Computer MouseMouse + Computer
ConfettiPaper + Blade, Paper + Scissors
ConstellationStar + Star
CookieDough + Sugar
CorpseHuman + Gun, Human + Grim Reaper
CottonPlant + Cloud
CowGrass + Livestock
CrowBird + Scarecrow, Bird + Field
Crystal BallWitch + Glass, Wizard + Glass
CuckooClock + Bird
CyborgHuman + Robot
CyclistBicycle + Human
DamBeaver + River, Beaver + Tree, Beaver + Wood, Wall + River
Darth VaderJedi + Fire, Jedi + Lava
DaySun + Time, Night + Sun
DesertSand + Sand
DewFog + Grass
DiamondPressure + Coal, Coal + Time
DinosaurLizard + Time
DoctorHuman + Hospital
DogWild Animal + Human
DoghouseDog + House
DonutDough + Oil
Double Rainbow!Rainbow + Rainbow
DoughWater + Flour
DragonLizard + Fire
DrumWood + Leather
DrunkHuman + Alcohol, Beer + Human
Dry IceCarbon Dioxide + Cold
DuckWater + Bird
DuneSand + Wind, Desert + Wind, Beach + Wind
DustEarth + Air, Sun + Vampire
DynamiteGunpowder + Wire
EagleMountain + Bird
EarthquakeEarth + Energy, Earth + Wave
EclipseSun + Moon
EggLife + Stone, Bird + Bird, Turtle + Turtle, Lizard + Lizard
Egg TimerEgg + Clock
Electric CarCar + Electricity
Electric EelFish + Electricity
ElectricianHuman + Electricity, Flashlight + Electricity
ElectricityMetal + Energy, Solar Cell + Sun, Wind Turbine + Wind
EmailLetter + Computer
EnergyAir + Fire, Plant + Sun
EngineerHuman + Tool
EruptionVolcano + Energy
ExcaliburSword + Stone
ExplosionGunpowder + Fire
FabricThread + Tool
FamilyHuman + House
FarmFarmer + House, Farmer + Barn
FarmerField + Human, Human + Plant, Human + Pitchfork
FaunGoat + Human
FenceWall + Wood
FieldEarth + Tool
FiremanHuman + Fire
FireplaceHouse + Campfire
FiretruckFireman + Car
FireworksExplosion + Sky
FishHard Roe + Time
Fishing RodTool + Fish, Wood + Fish
FlashlightTool + Light
FloodRain + Rain, Rain + Time
FlourWheat + Stone, Windmill + Wheat
FlowerPlant + Garden
FluteWood + Wind
Flying FishFish + Bird
Flying SquirrelSquirrel + Bird, Squirrel + Wind, Squirrel + Airplane
FogEarth + Cloud
ForestTree + Tree
FossilDinosaur + Time, Dinosaur + Earth
FountainStatue + Water
FoxChicken + Wild Animal
FrankensteinZombie + Electricity, Electricity + Corpse
FridgeMetal + Cold, Electricity + Cold, Metal + Ice
FrogWild Animal + Pond
FruitTree + Farmer, Sun + Tree
Fruit TreeFruit + Tree
GalaxyStar + Star
GardenPlant + Plant, Plant + Grass
GeyserSteam + Earth
GhostGraveyard + Night, Castle + Night
GiftSanta + Christmas Tree, Santa + Christmas Stocking, Santa + Cookie, Santa + Chimney, Santa + Fireplace
GlacierIce + Mountain
GlassFire + Sand, Sand + Electricity
GlassesGlass + Metal, Glass + Glass
GlasshousePlant + Glass
GoatLivestock + Mountain
GodzillaDinosaur + City
GoldMetal + Sun
GolemClay + Life
GrassPlant + Earth
GraveCoffin + Earth, Corpse + Earth
GravestoneGrave + Stone
GraveyardGrave + Grave
GrenadeExplosion + Metal
Grim ReaperHuman + Scythe, Corpse + Scythe
GunMetal + Bullet
GunpowderFire + Dust
HailRain + Ice, Ice + Storm, Ice + Cloud
HamMeat + Smoke
HamburgerMeat + Bread
Hard RoeEgg + Water, Fish + Fish, Egg + Sea, Egg + Ocean
HayGrass + Scythe, Farmer + Grass
HelicopterBlade + Airplane
HeroKnight + Dragon
HippoHorse + River, Horse + Water
HoneyBee + Flower
HorizonSky + Earth, Sea + Sky, Ocean + Sky
HorseHay + Livestock
HorseshoeHorse + Metal
HospitalHouse + Sickness
HourglassSand + Glass
HouseWood + Human, Human + Brick, Tool + Brick, Wall + Wall
HumanEarth + Life
HummingbirdBird + Flower
HurricaneWind + Energy
IceWater + Cold
Ice CreamMilk + Cold, Milk + Ice
IcebergSea + Ice, Ocean + Ice, Sea + Antarctica, Ocean + Antarctica
IdeaHuman + Light Bulb
IglooHouse + Ice
InternetComputer + Computer, Computer + Wire
IsleOcean + Volcano
Jack-O’-LanternPumpkin + Fire
JamFruit + Sugar
JediLightsaber + Human, Knight + Lightsaber
JuiceWater + Fruit, Pressure + Fruit
KingHuman + Castle, Excalibur + Human
KiteWind + Paper
KnightHuman + Armor
LampMetal + Light Bulb
LavaEarth + Fire
Lava LampLava + Lamp
Lawn MowerGrass + Tool
LeafTree + Wind
LeatherCow + Blade, Pig + Blade
LemonadeFruit + Water
LetterPaper + Pencil
LifeSwamp + Energy, Love + Time
LightLight Bulb + Electricity
Light BulbElectricity + Glass
LighthouseLight + House, Light + Beach, Light + Ocean, Light + Sea
LightsaberLight + Sword, Energy + Sword, Electricity + Sword
LionWild Animal + Cat
LivestockFarmer + Life, Wild Animal + Human
LizardEgg + Swamp
Log CabinHouse + Wood
LoveHuman + Human
LumberjackAxe + Human
MailmanHuman + Letter
ManateeCow + Sea
MapPaper + Earth
MarshmallowsSugar + Campfire
MayonnaiseEgg + Oil
MeatCow + Tool, Pig + Tool
MedusaHuman + Snake
MermaidHuman + Fish
MetalFire + Stone
MeteorMeteoroid + Atmosphere
MeteoroidStone + Space
MilkFarmer + Cow, Cow + Human
Milk ShakeMilk + Ice Cream
MinotaurHuman + Cow
MirrorGlass + Metal
MoneyPaper + Gold
MonkeyTree + Wild Animal
MoonSky + Cheese
MossPlant + Stone, Algae + Stone
MotorcycleBicycle + Energy, Bicycle + Steel
MountainEarthquake + Earth
MouseCheese + Wild Animal
MousetrapWood + Cheese, Metal + Cheese
MudWater + Earth
MummyCorpse + Pyramid
MusicHuman + Flute, Human + Sound
NarwhalUnicorn + Ocean, Unicorn + Water
NeedleMetal + Thread, Metal + Hay
NerdHuman + Glasses
NestBird + Tree, Bird + Hay
NewspaperPaper + Paper
NightMoon + Time
NinjaShuriken + Human
OasisDesert + Water
ObsidianLava + Water
OceanWater + Sea
OilSunflower + Pressure
OmeletteEgg + Fire
OrchardFruit Tree + Fruit Tree
OrigamiBird + Paper
OstrichBird + Earth, Bird + Sand
OwlNight + Bird
OxygenPlant + Sun
PalmIsle + Tree
PaperWood + Pressure
Paper AirplaneAirplane + Paper
ParrotBird + Pirate
PastaFlour + Egg
PeacockBird + Rainbow
PegasusBird + Horse, Sky + Horse
PencilWood + Coal, Wood + Charcoal
PenguinIce + Wild Animal, Ice + Bird
PetroleumFossil + Time, Fossil + Pressure
PhoenixFire + Bird
PicnicGrass + Sandwich, Beach + Sandwich
PieDough + Fruit
PigLivestock + Mud
PigeonBird + City, Bird + Letter, Bird + Statue
Piggy BankPig + Money
PilotAirplane + Human, Seaplane + Human
PinocchioWood + Life
PipeTobacco + Wood
PiranhaFish + Blood
PirateSword + Sailor
Pirate ShipSailboat + Pirate, Boat + Pirate
PitchforkTool + Hay
PizzaCheese + Dough
PlanetEarth + Space
PlanktonWater + Life
PlantRain + Earth
PlatypusBeaver + Duck
PondWater + Garden
PopsicleJuice + Ice, Juice + Cold
PotteryFire + Clay
PressureEarth + Earth, Air + Air
PrinterPaper + Computer
PrismGlass + Rainbow
PumpkinVegetable + Fire, Vegetable + Light
PyramidDesert + Grave, Desert + Stone
RainWater + Air, Cloud + Water
RainbowRain + Sun
RatSailboat + Wild Animal, Pirate Ship + Wild Animal
ReindeerSanta + Wild Animal
RingDiamond + Metal, Diamond + Gold
RiverMountain + Water
RobotMetal + Life, Steel + Life
RocketAirplane + Space
RopeThread + Thread
RosePlant + Love, Flower + Love
RuinsCastle + Time, House + Time
RustAir + Metal, Metal + Oxygen, Metal + Oxygen
SaddleHorse + Leather
SailboatBoat + Wind
SailorHuman + Boat, Human + Sailboat
SaltSea + Sun, Ocean + Sun
SandAir + Stone
Sand CastleSand + Castle
SandpaperSand + Paper
SandstoneStone + Sand
SandstormSand + Storm, Sand + Hurricane, Sand + Energy
SandwichBread + Ham, Cheese + Bread
SantaHuman + Christmas Tree
ScalpelBlade + Doctor
ScarecrowHuman + Hay
ScissorsBlade + Blade
ScorpionWild Animal + Dune, Wild Animal + Sand
ScytheBlade + Grass, Blade + Wheat
SeaWater + Water
SeagullBird + Sea, Bird + Ocean, Bird + Beach
SeahorseHorse + Sea, Ocean + Horse
SealDog + Sea
SeaplaneAirplane + Water, Airplane + Ocean, Airplane + Sea
SeasicknessSickness + Sea, Sickness + Ocean
SeaweedPlant + Sea, Plant + Ocean
SharkBlood + Ocean, Sea + Blood, Ocean + Wild Animal, Sea + Wild Animal
SheepCloud + Livestock
Sheet MusicPaper + Music
ShurikenStar + Blade
SicknessHuman + Rain, Human + Sickness, Human + Sickness
SkateboardSnowboard + Wheel
SkeletonCorpse + Time, Bone + Bone
Ski GogglesGlasses + Snow
SkyAir + Cloud
SkyscraperHouse + Sky
SledgeSnow + Cart, Snow + Wagon
SlothWild Animal + Time
SmogSmoke + Fog
SmokeFire + Wood
SnakeWild Animal + Wire
SnowRain + Cold
SnowballSnow + Human
SnowboardWood + Snow
SnowmanSnow + Human
SnowmobileCold + Car, Motorcycle + Snow
SoapOil + Ash
SodaWater + Carbon Dioxide, Juice + Carbon Dioxide
Solar CellSun + Tool
Solar SystemSun + Planet
SoundAir + Wave
SpaceSky + Star, Sun + Star, Moon + Star
Space StationSpace + House
SpaceshipAstronaut + Airplane
SphinxHuman + Lion
SpiderWild Animal + Thread
SquirrelMouse + Tree
StarSky + Night
StarfishFish + Star, Sea + Star, Ocean + Star
StatueStone + Tool
SteakMeat + Bbq
SteamWater + Fire, Water + Energy
Steam EngineBoiler + Tool
SteamboatSteam Engine + Water, Steam Engine + Boat
SteelMetal + Coal
StoneAir + Lava
StormEnergy + Cloud, Cloud + Electricity
StoryHuman + Campfire
SugarFruit + Energy, Juice + Fire, Juice + Energy
SunFire + Sky
SundialClock + Sun
SunflowerPlant + Sun, Flower + Sun
SunglassesSun + Glasses
SurferHuman + Wave
SushiFish + Seaweed, Caviar + Seaweed
SwampMud + Plant
SweaterWool + Tool
Swim GogglesGlasses + Water
SwimmerHuman + Swim Goggles
SwordBlade + Metal, Blade + Steel
SwordfishFish + Sword
TankCar + Armor, Car + Gun
TaserGun + Electricity
TeaWater + Leaf
TelescopeGlass + Sky, Glass + Star
ThreadCotton + Tool
TideSea + Moon, Ocean + Moon
TimeSand + Glass
TitanicSteamboat + Iceberg
ToastSandwich + Fire, Bread + Fire
TobaccoPlant + Fire
ToolMetal + Human
TractorCar + Farmer, Car + Field
TrainSteam Engine + Steel, Steam Engine + Metal
TreePlant + Time
TreehouseTree + House
Trojan HorseHorse + Wood
TsunamiOcean + Earthquake
TurtleEgg + Sand
TwilightDay + Night
UfoAlien + Airplane
UmbrellaTool + Rain
UnicornRainbow + Horse, Rainbow + Life, Double Rainbow! + Horse, Double Rainbow! + Life
VampireHuman + Blood, Human + Vampire
VasePlant + Pottery
VegetableField + Fruit
VillageHouse + House
VolcanoLava + Earth
VultureBird + Corpse
WagonCart + Horse
WallBrick + Brick
WandWizard + Wood
WarriorSword + Human
WatchHuman + Clock
Water GunWater + Gun
Water LilyFlower + Pond
Water PipeWater + Pipe
WaveSea + Wind, Ocean + Wind
WaxBee + Beehive
WebSpider + Thread
WerewolfWolf + Human, Werewolf + Human, Werewolf + Human
WheatField + Farmer
WheelTool + Wood
Wild AnimalForest + Life
Wild BoarPig + Wild Animal, Pig + Forest
WindPressure + Air
Wind TurbineWindmill + Electricity
WindmillHouse + Wind, Wheel + Wind
WineFruit + Alcohol
WireElectricity + Metal
WitchWizard + Broom
WizardHuman + Energy
WolfWild Animal + Dog, Wild Animal + Moon, Dog + Forest
WoodTool + Tree
WoodpeckerBird + Wood
WoolSheep + Tool
Wrapping PaperGift + Paper
YodaJedi + Swamp
YogurtMilk + Bacteria
ZombieCorpse + Life, Human + Zombie, Human + Zombie