Last Vikings, The (Android)

Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Aboat Time!Built the fifth boat.1500
Ave MariaMet Maria fifty times.2000
Blessed by OdinLeveled a hero to level 5.2000
CharismaticUnlocked ten heroes.1000
Colo Not SoloMet Maria.500
Et Tu, Brute?Destroyed ten friends' relics.1500
Hands of GodForged thousand weapons.3000
Having a Shipload of FunChecked in on fifty different days.1500
Hero HoarderUnlocked fourty heroes.1500
I've Taken a Viking to YouChecked in on ten different days.500
Ironforge!Forged hundred weapons.1500
Journeyman ForgerForged ten weapons.1000
Legacy etched ForeverBuilt the town statue.3000
Legend never endsReached the third journey.1500
Moor Often Than KnotBuilt the third boat.1000
Novice Weapon SmithForged a weapon.500
Only the beginning, againReached the second journey.1000
Quite the Oar DealBuilt the second boat.500
SaintShowed mercy.500
Seas the DayChecked in on 25 different days.1000
Smooth SailingBeaten wave 5.2000
The Legend BeginsLeveled up a hero.500
UnfathomableBuilt the tenth boat.2500
UnstoppableBeaten wave 15.3500
Vikings are Love, Vikings are LifeChecked in on hundred different days.2000
Weapon ConnoisseurCollected fifty unique weapons.2500
Welcome to the Dark SideDestroyed a friend's relic.500
Well EquippedCollected ten unique weapons.1000
Who needs Thor's Hammer?Forged a weapon to max level.3000