Kievan Rus' (Android)

Google Play Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
1 000 000 gold in the treasuryHave 1 000 000 gold in your treasury.
1 000 gold per dayIncrease your income to 1 000 gold per day.
10 000 gold per dayIncrease your income to 10 000 gold per day.
10 victoriesWin 10 victories in battles.
100 000 000 gold in the treasuryHave 100 000 000 gold in your treasury.
100 000 gold in the treasuryHave 100 000 gold in your treasury.
100 000 gold per dayIncrease your income to 100 000 gold per day.
100 victoriesWin 100 victories in battles.
50 victoriesWin 50 victories in battles.
500 victoriesWin 500 victories in battles.
AmbassadorConstruct an embassy in any state.
Beginner conquererAnnex a state.
Beginner conquerer of BarbariansAnnex any Barbarian state.
CaptainParticipate in 50 battles.
ColonelParticipate in 100 battles.
Conqueror of BarbariansAnnex all Barbarian states.
DiplomatMake a suggestion at an international assembly. It must be supported by the majority of states.
Experienced conquerorAnnex 10 states.
FarmerSign a nonaggression pact with any state.
First winSend an army and win a victory over any state.
GeneralParticipate in 500 battles.
Great conquererAnnex all states.
LawmakerChange a state law.
LiberatorGrant independence to an annexed state.
LieutenantParticipate in 10 battles.
MerchantSign a commercial agreement with any state.
PhilanthropistSend help to another state using the international relations screen.
State religionChange the state religion.