Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Boss Hunter | Complete 100 battle on bost hunt. | 3000
Climber | Reach Level 50 in endless tower. | 3000
Event Hunter | Complete 100 battle on event event. | 3000
Fusion | Fuse Item 20 times. | 1000
Get Ready! | Finish the Tutorial. | 500
Golden Guardian | Upgrade one troop legendary to max. | 2000
Grinding Master 2 | Reach Level 110. | 3000
Grinding Master | Reach Level 100. | 3000
Guardian | Upgrade Fortress 5 times. | 500
I Love Rubies | Purchase any Ruby or Bundles. | 1500
Maximum Fortress | Upgrade Fortress to Max level. | 1500
Mythical Item | Upgrade one item legendary to max. | 2000
Perfect!! | Get 3 stars in all missions. | 3000
Premium Chest | Open 5 Premium Chests. | 1000
Raid Master | Use 100 Raid Tikets. | 1500
Rare Item Collector | Collect 10 Rare Items. | 1000
Shining Gear | Collect a Legendary variant for each piece of gear. | 1000
Super Evolution | Ascendance 5 equipment. | 1500