Imperia Online (Android)

Google Play Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Alliance donatorDonate in the alliance treasury resource equal to 1 percent of your net points, given the fact that 1 net point is equal to 1000 of each resource.
Colony founderFound 1 colony.
Commander of heavy troopsDevelop all researches, necessary for all types heavy military units.
Enviable growthReach 500000 net points.
Experienced minerReach high production of iron per hour.
Experienced pilgrimGet 20 rewards from the casket in Temple.
Experienced sovereignedReach 100000 net points.
Experienced stone hewerReach high production of stone per hour.
Experienced warrior of honorReach high honor.
Experienced woodchopperReach high production of wood per hour.
Fighting hungerBuild 8 farms in one holding.
First step to Military post defenseBuild Rampart 1.
First step towards resource transportationBuild Depot station.
First steps in empire developmentReach 100 net points.
First steps in royal diplomacyEnter into a dynastic marriage.
Fisrt step towards happy subjectsBuild 1 monument.
General wannabeReach general’s level 3.
Governor wannabeReach governor’s level 3.
Help with supply wagonsSend from Depot station at least 5000 gold, all at once, to an ally.
Junior army healerResearch Military medicine 1.
Junior Commander of resistant armyResearch Armor 1.
Junior commander of untiring armyResearch Drill 1.
Junior economic researcherBuild University 5.
Junior Fortress constructorBuild Fortress 3.
Junior healerResearch Medicine 3.
Junior merchantBuild Market.
Junior Military researcherBuild Military university 5.
Junior quest followerComplete 10 quests.
Junior Spy CommanderSpy 3 different independent city.
Junior tacticianResearch Tactics 1.
Junior warrior of honorReach medium honor.
Junior wise rulerKeep an eye on your empire every day.
Light additional defenseBuild Moat 1.
Light defense reinforcementBuild 1 tower in any fortress.
Light stonewallsBuild Curtain wall 1.
Master of economic researchBuild University 20.
Master of festivalsBuild level 10 of Town square.
Master of military researchBuild Military university 20.
Master of net worth growthReach 2000000 net points.
Master of resistant armyResearch Armor 15.
Medal worth growthReach 1000000 net points.
Military strategist wannabeBuild Military post.
Miner of respectReach medium production of iron per hour.
Noble beginningHave 6 great people in your empire.
Part of the big pictureBe part of a big alliance of at least 20 members.
PilgrimGet a present from bonus casket in Temple.
Population keeperReach 1330000 population in the entire empire.
Powerfull sovereignReach 200000 net points.
Praiseworthy territorial expansionTake control over 8 provinces.
Proficient spy trainerHire and mobilize 50000 spies.
Rich points collectionReach 20000 net points.
Senior carthographerResearch Cartography 10.
Senior commander of powerful archersResearch Range attack 15.
Senior commander of powerful infantryResearch Melee attack 15.
Senior fast constructorResearch Builders' guild 10.
Senior fast economic researcherBuild Science academy 10
Senior fast military researcherBuild Military science academy .10
Senior Fortress constructorBuild Fortress 7.
Senior happiness giverOrganize 20 festivals.
Senior healerResearch Medicine 12.
Senior looterPlunder 1000000 resource in attacks on independent cities.
Senior merchantBuild 5 Markets in one holding.
Senior military strategistHold 5 military posts simultaneously.
Senior scoutResearch Scouting 12.
Senior sovereignReach 50000 net points.
Senior tax collectorKeep medium amount of taxes.
Senior wise rulerKeep an eye on your empire every day.
Skillful tax collectorKeep high amount of taxes.
Skillfull generalReach general’s level 10.
Skillfull governorReach governor’s level 10.
Small depositorResearch Banking 5 and take a deposit with small interest.
Sovereign of respectReach 5000 net points.
Stone hewer of respectReach medium production of stone per hour.
Team playerMake an alliance or join one.
Territorial expansionTake control over 4 provinces.
The best apprenticeComplete 50 quests.
Thriving peacemakerEnter into 5 dynastic marriages.
Trade post founderFound a trading post.
Wise sovereignReach 10000 net points.
Woodchopper of respectReach medium production of wood per hour.