Achievement | How to unlock
Alliance donator | Donate in the alliance treasury resource equal to 1 percent of your net points, given the fact that 1 net point is equal to 1000 of each resource.
Colony founder | Found 1 colony.
Commander of heavy troops | Develop all researches, necessary for all types heavy military units.
Enviable growth | Reach 500000 net points.
Experienced miner | Reach high production of iron per hour.
Experienced pilgrim | Get 20 rewards from the casket in Temple.
Experienced sovereigned | Reach 100000 net points.
Experienced stone hewer | Reach high production of stone per hour.
Experienced warrior of honor | Reach high honor.
Experienced woodchopper | Reach high production of wood per hour.
Fighting hunger | Build 8 farms in one holding.
First step to Military post defense | Build Rampart 1.
First step towards resource transportation | Build Depot station.
First steps in empire development | Reach 100 net points.
First steps in royal diplomacy | Enter into a dynastic marriage.
Fisrt step towards happy subjects | Build 1 monument.
General wannabe | Reach general’s level 3.
Governor wannabe | Reach governor’s level 3.
Help with supply wagons | Send from Depot station at least 5000 gold, all at once, to an ally.
Junior army healer | Research Military medicine 1.
Junior Commander of resistant army | Research Armor 1.
Junior commander of untiring army | Research Drill 1.
Junior economic researcher | Build University 5.
Junior Fortress constructor | Build Fortress 3.
Junior healer | Research Medicine 3.
Junior merchant | Build Market.
Junior Military researcher | Build Military university 5.
Junior quest follower | Complete 10 quests.
Junior Spy Commander | Spy 3 different independent city.
Junior tactician | Research Tactics 1.
Junior warrior of honor | Reach medium honor.
Junior wise ruler | Keep an eye on your empire every day.
Light additional defense | Build Moat 1.
Light defense reinforcement | Build 1 tower in any fortress.
Light stonewalls | Build Curtain wall 1.
Master of economic research | Build University 20.
Master of festivals | Build level 10 of Town square.
Master of military research | Build Military university 20.
Master of net worth growth | Reach 2000000 net points.
Master of resistant army | Research Armor 15.
Medal worth growth | Reach 1000000 net points.
Military strategist wannabe | Build Military post.
Miner of respect | Reach medium production of iron per hour.
Noble beginning | Have 6 great people in your empire.
Part of the big picture | Be part of a big alliance of at least 20 members.
Pilgrim | Get a present from bonus casket in Temple.
Population keeper | Reach 1330000 population in the entire empire.
Powerfull sovereign | Reach 200000 net points.
Praiseworthy territorial expansion | Take control over 8 provinces.
Proficient spy trainer | Hire and mobilize 50000 spies.
Rich points collection | Reach 20000 net points.
Senior carthographer | Research Cartography 10.
Senior commander of powerful archers | Research Range attack 15.
Senior commander of powerful infantry | Research Melee attack 15.
Senior fast constructor | Research Builders' guild 10.
Senior fast economic researcher | Build Science academy 10
Senior fast military researcher | Build Military science academy .10
Senior Fortress constructor | Build Fortress 7.
Senior happiness giver | Organize 20 festivals.
Senior healer | Research Medicine 12.
Senior looter | Plunder 1000000 resource in attacks on independent cities.
Senior merchant | Build 5 Markets in one holding.
Senior military strategist | Hold 5 military posts simultaneously.
Senior scout | Research Scouting 12.
Senior sovereign | Reach 50000 net points.
Senior tax collector | Keep medium amount of taxes.
Senior wise ruler | Keep an eye on your empire every day.
Skillful tax collector | Keep high amount of taxes.
Skillfull general | Reach general’s level 10.
Skillfull governor | Reach governor’s level 10.
Small depositor | Research Banking 5 and take a deposit with small interest.
Sovereign of respect | Reach 5000 net points.
Stone hewer of respect | Reach medium production of stone per hour.
Team player | Make an alliance or join one.
Territorial expansion | Take control over 4 provinces.
The best apprentice | Complete 50 quests.
Thriving peacemaker | Enter into 5 dynastic marriages.
Trade post founder | Found a trading post.
Wise sovereign | Reach 10000 net points.
Woodchopper of respect | Reach medium production of wood per hour.