Hungry Shark Evolution (Android)

Gold Rush mode

Score points to increase the Gold Rush bar. Once it fills, Gold Rush mode will start. When this happens your health will fill, you will be invincible, and many extra fish will appear. You can collide with normally dangerous objects to get points. The time that Gold Rush mode lasts varies between the type of shark being played and accessories that are equipped. During Gold Rush mode, move quickly and eat everything possible while avoiding paths that offer less opportunities to score.

Various Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the achievements.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
1 Sunken ObjectFind one sunken object.500
15 Sunken ObjectsCollect fifteen sunken objects.500
3 Sunken ObjectsFind three sunken objects.500
5 Sunken ObjectsFind five sunken objects.500
8 Sunken ObjectsFind eight sunken objects.500
Angler AttackEat ten Angler Fish.500
Big GulpEat ten Gulpers.500
Boat BreakerEat twelve Fishing Boats.500
Boat WreckerSink thirty boats.500
Cage CrusherEat thirty cage people.500
Cannibal run!Eat twenty Enemy Sharks.500
CannibalEat five Enemy Sharks.500
Caught A BiteEat three Fisherman.500
Chopper ChomperTake down fifteen Choppers.500
Crab ClearanceEat fourty Crabs.500
Crab SupriseKill the Black Giant Crab!500
Crowd SurferEat hundred Beach Bystanders.500
Depth ChargeSwim 250m below sea level.500
Diet SwimSwim 200m without eating.500
Fast FoodEat three Sailfish.500
Fish FeastEat 200 fish.500
Flying FeastEat hundred flying fish.500
Great White AttackEat an enemy Great White!500
Harpoon Boat BiteEat five Harpoon Boat Men.500
High JumpJump 8m out of the water.500
In-Flight MealEat five flying Pelicans.500
Innocent BystanderEat three Beach Bystanders.500
Jelly JunkieEat 150 jellyfish.500
Jellyless SwimSwim 1000m without getting stung.500
JetlagEat three Jet Skiers.500
Kempy KillFind and eat the mythical Kempybass.500
Man EaterEat three People.500
Mass MurderEat thirty People.500
Mega FeastEat six Enemy Megalodons.500
Migration AnnihilationEat twenty Rare birds.500
Mine EaterEat 125 mines.500
Mine Muncher ProEat ten UltraMines.500
Mine Sweeper ProClear fifteen mines.500
Mine SweeperClear five mines.500
Mini JumpJump 3m out of water (use boost)500
Over FishingEat 500 Fish.500
Paraglider PunishEat five Paragliders.500
Pelican PinchEat five Pelicans.500
Shark Man SnackEat ten Shark men.500
Speed Eat SardinesEat thirty sardines within a minute.500
Speed EatEat hundred things within a minute.500
Stingray RevengeEat five Sting Rays.500
Sub ZeroDestroy three Submarines.500
Super Mission 1Score over 25000 Points.1000
Super Mission 2Score over 50000 Points.1000
Super Mission 3Score over 100000 Points.1000
Super Mission 4Score over 200000 Points.1000
Super Mission 5Score over 1000000 Points.1000
Super Mission 6Score over 5000000 points.1000
Super Mission 7Score 40,000,000 Points.1000
Survival AceSurvive for six minutes.500
Survival ChiefSurvive for four minutes.500
Survival KingSurvive for ten minutes.500
Survival MasterSurvive for fifteen minutes.500
Survival ProSurvive for eight minutes.500
Swimming LessonSwim 500m.500
Tropical TerrorEat fifty Tropical fish.500
Turtle NeckEat four Turtles.500