Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Ancestry III | Get 150 Hero Spirits. | 2500
Ancestry II | Get 50 Hero Spirits. | 1500
Ancestry IV | Get 500 Hero Spirits. | 2500
Ancestry I | Get 12 Hero Spirits. | 1500
Career III | Join 6 guilds. | 1500
Career II | Join 4 guilds. | 1000
Career I | Join 1 guild. | 500
Collecting III | Buy 50 items. | 1500
Collecting II | Buy 20 items. | 1000
Collecting I | Buy 5 items. | 500
Commercial Vein III | Invest 100 times. | 1500
Commercial Vein II | Invest 25 times. | 500
Commercial Vein IV | Invest 500 times. | 1500
Commercial Vein I | Invest 5 times. | 500
Commercial Vein V | Invest 1000 times. | 2000
Greatness III | Reach LVL 50. | 1500
Greatness II | Reach LVL 25. | 500
Greatness IV | Reach LVL 75. | 1500
Greatness IX | Reach LVL 400. | 5000
Greatness I | Reach LVL 10. | 500
Greatness VIII | Reach LVL 300. | 2500
Greatness VII | Reach LVL 200. | 2000
Greatness VI | Reach LVL 150. | 2000
Greatness V | Reach LVL 100. | 1500
Greatness X | Reach LVL 500. | 5000
Infinity III | Reset Journey 10 times. | 1500
Infinity II | Reset Journey 3 times. | 1500
Infinity IV | Reset Journey 25 times. | 2500
Infinity I | Reset Journey 1 time. | 1000
Leadership III | Hire 20 recruits. | 1500
Leadership II | Hire 10 recruits. | 1000
Leadership I | Hire 3 recruits. | 500
Magic Power III | Buy and use 20 spells. | 1500
Magic Power II | Buy and use 5 spells. | 1000
Magic Power I | Buy and use 1 spell. | 500
Valor III | Complete 'Search For New Worlds'. | 2000
Valor II | Complete 'Journey To Astral Plane'. | 1500
Valor I | Complete 'Search For The Grail'. | 1000