Achievement | How to unlock
Big Winner (and 300 Gold) | Win 1000 games in any mode.
Chicken Dinner (and 300 Gold) | Win 100 games in any mode.
Crafting Time (and 95 Dust) | Disenchant a card.
Crushed Them All! (and 100 Gold) | Defeat every AI Hero on Expert difficulty in Practice mode.
First Blood (and Card Pack) | Complete a game in Play mode.
Got the Basics! (and 100 Gold) | Collect every card in the Basic Set. This can be accomplished by leveling every class to level 10.
Greater Reaper of Packs (and three Card Packs) | Purchase Diablo 3
iPack (and Card Pack) | Complete a game on the iPad version using the same account.
Level Up (and 100 Gold) | Get any class to level 10.
Mount Up! (and Hearthsteed mount in World Of Warcraft) | Win three games in Arena or Play mode.
One of Everything! (and 100 Gold) | Collect every card in the Expert Set.
Ready to Go! (and 100 Gold) | Unlock every hero.
Reaper of Packs (and Card Pack) | Purchase Diablo 3
The Duelist (and 100 Gold) | Play three games in Play mode.