Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

Craft the very best Neutral Cards

As resources to craft cards is challenging to come by it is encouraged that you craft the very best neutral cards readily available as these extremely flexible cards use exceptional chances to complete any deck with effective pace plays and can considerably enhance your general strength. These cards that include Germain Piquant, Golden Froth, and the 3 base Witcher cards (Vesemir, Lambert and Eskel) are especially reliable in any faction, particularly early on when you do not have access to a lot of leading tier cards.

Crafting Guide

To craft a card in Gwent: The Witcher Card Game will need costs scraps. This currency which is obtained at a slower rate than Ore can be gotten a variety of methods, these consist of finishing the daily missions, leveling up, crushing cards (ruining cards you own), rewards from the Reward Book and as a random reward after each multiplayer game if your challenger provides you a'Good Game'(GG). Not the simplest currency to get it will permit you to skip leaving things up to opportunity by making the card you prefer for your collection. You can see the Scrap costs of each card in the Deck Builder by right clicking a card and checking out the numbers near the bottom.

Having the ability to get the card you desire makes crafting the very best way to get new cards. If you did mill every extra card from your starter deck and Kegs you would still not be able to afford all the cards you desire, crafting is sluggish and even. You should initially focus investing your resources on the less expensive cards that you can play in combos rather than the huge rare ones, doing this permits you to have some affordable cards prior to you end up building your deck. If you do lack resources prior to you deck is complete you constantly have the option to grind in the field so you can start to generate sufficient Ore to buy Kegs, along with Scraps to craft new cards.

Milling Cards
- Common cards - 10 Scraps
- Rare cards - 20 Scraps
- Epic cards - 50 Scraps
- Legendary cards - 200 Scraps

Milling Premium Cards
- Common cards - 10 Scraps + 20 Meteorite Powder
- Rare cards - 20 Scraps + 50 Meteorite Powder
- Epic cards - 50 Scraps + 80 Meteorite Powder
- Legendary cards - 200 Scraps + 120 Meteorite Powder

Crafting Cards
- Common cards -30 Scraps
- Rare cards - 80 Scraps
- Epic cards - 200 Scraps
- Legendary cards - 800 Scraps

Crafting Premium Cards
Premium variations of cards can not be crafted with Scraps, and rather needs transmuting a basic card with Meteorite Powder

- Common cards - 100 Meteorite Powder
- Rare cards - 200 Meteorite Powder
- Epic cards - 30 Meteorite Powder
- Legendary cards - 400 Meteorite Powder.

Do not forget about your Leader skill

Based on the starter deck you choose, you will be given a Leader skill. The Leader skill can be used for as many charges as it has, then it is - in most cases - exhausted and can no longer be used for the remainder of the match. It is important you use your skill wisely! The Leader skills set in the starter decks are meant to compliment the actual cards, but when you are building your deck you can choose whatever Leader skill you like. We will go over all of them in the starter deck list.

Know when to withhold and go all out

You will need to strike a careful balance between showing your hand but not all of it. During the first round, both players are deciding on their approach and you will need to pick your depending on the cards you drew. Will you play your strongest card right away? Or will you hold onto it to close out the next round in a spectacular fashion? The choice is yours, but knowing when to hold back and when to advance depends on your own intuition. Take a look at what your opponent is doing and try to read them. Are THEY going to go all out? Maybe you will need to defend yourself, or you might be able to use it to your advantage. Remember, you need to win two rounds.

Play them all and build your own deck

We recommend that you take all five starter decks for a spin at least once. That way, you will grow more familiar with the cards and possible combos. With this knowledge in hand, you will be able to craft your deck from the ground up! Each card has a provision number on it, and your deck cannot exceed a certain threshold of provisions. The more powerful cards, like the gold cards, tend to have high provisions so you will need to balance your deck carefully. We recommend staying close to around 25 cards just like the starter decks do, as this the perfect number to get through a round while being able to slightly control what you will draw next. If you have more cards than this, it will be much harder to influence what you will draw next and get your better gold cards, so be careful when making bigger decks.

Read your Opponents Moves

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game is everything about hoax and deceptiveness and your capability to read your challenger's moves and to prepare ahead to counter their huge plays well prior to they take place. When to skillfully lose a round in order to win the whole game, efficient techniques consist of requiring your challengers hand by enticing them into draining their resources and understanding.

Thin out your opponent to take advantage

One of the most common tactics to utilize in GWENT is the concept of "thinning". Thinning, in its basic terms, is the process of intentionally playing your less valuable cards in order to improve your odds of getting your better cards, such as your silver and gold framed cards in later rounds. Thinning is something that can be done to yourself or to your opponent. As an example, you can force your opponent to intentionally thin their own deck by playing your powerful cards, forcing them to respond with their own or risk losing the round. This is perhaps the most basic explanation of thinning, but it is a powerful technique if performed correctly. Playing the odds against your own deck is a skill in and of itself, so be sure to keep this in mind.