Grimfall (Android)


Find abandoned kingdoms and steal their resources. Take advantage of the situation when you see a kingdom continuously producing resources but never having any troops deployed to guard them. You can repeatedly farm resources from such abandoned kingdoms. Once you find an area with resources, build mining structures at the villages there. There are five resources (iron, wood, stone, food and gold). Every additional village that you add will require more time to build. To make this process faster, find a location between two resource spaces and construct your resource building there. Ideally, build next to all five different types of resource spots. You must build as many of these villages as possible to have the best resource production.


Focus on upgrading your main city. This is where all of your troops are trained, as well as where research is made to unlock new troops. There is no real troop hierarchy that makes one type of troop is significantly better than another. It is more important to have a large number of troops and use higher tier troops as needed. Unlock the better rated troops by upgrading your main city.