Gravity Guy (Android)

Various Google Play Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock Google Play achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock
1 hour practicing (2,500 experience points)Spend one hour in practice mode.
10 checkpoints (2,500 experience points)Pass 10 consecutive checkpoints without dying.
20 checkpoints hero (3,500 experience points)Pass 20 consectuive checkpoints without dying.
3 checkpoints (1,000 experience points)Pass 3 consecutive checkpoints without dying.
35,000 points later... (2,500 experience points)Reach a score of at least 35,000 in endless mode.
5 checkpoints (1,000 experience points)Pass 5 consecutive checkpoints without dying.
50,000 points and counting (3,500 experience points)Reach a score of at least 50,000 in endless mode.
Amazing Rescue (2,500 experience points)Finish Rescue Chapter.
Amazing Run (2,500 experience points)Finish Run Chapter.
Endless Death Specialist (1,500 experience points)Die 100 times in Endless Mode.
Gravity Bender (1,500 experience points)Flip gravity 1,000 times.
Gravity Master (3,500 experience points)Flip gravity 10,000 times.
Grim Reaper (500 experience points)Die 100 times.
Infinite Death Specialist (2,500 experience points)Die 250 times in Endless Mode.
LAN Party (3,500 experience points)Play 100 rounds of Multiplayer Mode.
Lover (4,500 experience points)Play Gravity Guy for 10 hours.
Menu Fetiche (2,500 experience points)Spend one hour in the menus.
Moon Walk (4,500 experience points)Run the distance from Earth to the Moon.
Perfect Rescue (5,000 experience points)Finish the Rescue Chapter in one go.
Perfect Run (5,000 experience points)Finish Run Chapter in one go.
Persistence is a virtue (1,500 experience points)Play for 1 hour straight.
Shooting Spree (1,500 experience points)Killed 100 times by chaser.
Try Harder (1,000 experience points)Die 20 consecutive times in the same section.
Try much harder (1,500 experience points)Die 5 times in a row without flipping gravity.