Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Android)

100% game completion bonuses

CJ will get a stats boost, extra money, and a Rhino and Hydra will be delivered to CJ's house on Grove Street.

General Gameplay Strategy

To enhance my Wanted rating in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas get into trouble. To minimize my Wanted rating on greater scores your best option is to discover the closest safe residence and get to it in one piece. Altering your look will get rid of the Wanted rating. You can make some additional scratch by taking sidejobs. Discover some dealers and take them out to swipe their money (however look out for any back-up that's nearby), or jump in a taxi and take some people for trips and so on. You'll discover free body shield offered in the police headquarters however do not enter armed. Strolling in with any type of weapon in your hand will net you a Wanted star, making it a bit harder to get your shield (armor). To gain back lost strength, you'll should stop at any of the fast food restaurants scattered about. You'll likewise gain back lost strength by getting jailed, though that can result in losing money. To get fat simply continue consuming at one of the restaurants around the city and you'll get fat. Or lose that fat and get some muscle, stop and do some exercises at various health clubs, or the muscle beach place found in Santa Maria. Stick with one weapon over the course of a number of goals if you actually desire to enhance your abilities. You can likewise go to the Ammu-Nations shooting variety and deal with your abilities there. Stop in among the range of clothes stores surrounding the city and select a design that's finest for you.

Horseshoe bonus

Collect all fifty horseshoes in Las Venturas to get a M4, MP5, combat shotgun, and satchel charges to appear at the Four Dragons Casino.

Racing bonus

Get first place in all races at the four racing locations across San Andreas (marked with a checkered flag on the map/radar) to win $1,000,000.

Snapshot bonus

Take all fifty snapshots in San Fierro to get a sniper rifle, Micro SMG, shotgun, and grenades to appear at your San Fierro garage.

Tag bonus

Spray all one hundred hidden tags in Los Santos to get an AK-47, Tec-9, Sawn-off shotgun, and Molotov cocktails to appear inside your house on Grove Street.