Grand Theft Auto 3: 10 Year Anniversary Edition (Android)

Cheat Mode

Note: This requires a device that supports a keyboard (real keyboard with a tablet or virtual keyboard on a phone). On some devices you can hold Menu for a virtual keyboard to appear.

100% armor (patched version)tortoise
100% armor (unpatched version)turtoise
All pedestrians attack younobodylikesme
All weaponsgunsgunsguns
Change costumeilikedressingup
Clear weatherskincancerforme
Cloudy weatherilikescotland
Crazy pedestriansitsallgoingmaaad
Destroy all carsbangbangbang
Disable invisible carsnotanicesetofwheels
Disable pedestrians fighting each othernoweaponsforall
Extra moneyifiwerearichman
Faster game playboooooring
Flying carchittychittybb
Foggy weatherpeasoup
Full healthgesundheit
Gore modenastylimbscheat
Higher wanted levelmorepoliceplease
Improved car handling; press [Shift] to jumpcornerslikemad
Invisible cars; wheels onlyanicesetofwheels
Lower wanted levelnopoliceplease
Pedestrians fighting each otherweaponsforall
Rainy weatherilovescotland
Tank (Rhino)giveusatank
Time advances quickertimeflieswhenyou
Toggle very fast game clockmadweather