GodFinger 2 (Android)



Watch advertising videos to speed tasks, receive rewards, or fill mana. Visit your friends' worlds to get bonuses. You can also get extra points by connecting to Facebook and posting updates from your worshipers.


Consider where objects are to be placed. Keep your fields together in order to maximize the effectiveness of the rain spell. Less than a one charge is required to water one field, however after you tap and hold the clouds will not stop raining until you release. When fields are spread out, this will result in wasted water. Keep a steady supply of crops. Fields will stop producing crops after twenty harvests. A steady supply of crops us needed to create items that your worshippers want. Reserve an area of your world to grow crops, and make sure there is always something planted. Plants make nice decorations for your worshippers, but plenty of trees will also be needed. They will produce wood needed to answer the prayers of your minions and are required in the construction of new factories.


When you have worshipers on multiple levels, move them around occasionally so they interact with one another. You will earn extra worship points after they bump into each other and begin to talk. Choose the correct worshiper for their job to get a boost. View their profile to determine which job they are best suited for. If a building requires a few hours to build, consider setting a worshiper to build it as the last task before you log out. When you resume, the new building should be ready. Tap your temple to find out what your worshipers need. Concentrate on fulfilling as many active prayers as possible.