Glitch Dash (Android)

Gameplay Strategy Tips

Because this is a first-person game, you have to do a little bit of guesswork to figure out your position and how far you can go without crashing. When you come up to the edge of a level, you can let the level go offscreen a little bit before you fall off, so you have some margin of error to work with when it comes to moving to the side.

You can skip ahead beyond the level that you are currently at if you're sick of the level or if you just want to try all of the new ones as soon as you can. Go to any of the levels past the current one and you can watch a video. Once you watch the video, the level is unlocked, so if you don't want to play them in order, prepare to watch some videos.

The main obstacle to completing each level is the background. Every time you hit an arrow, you cause the background to shift. If you just watch the floor, then almost every aspect of the levels is extremely easy to beat. Pay attention to the floor only, and not the levels, and you'll get farther through the level than if you paid any attention to the backgrounds.

If you lose at a level, you can start over again from a checkpoint instead of starting right at the beginning. There are two ways to do this. You can either pay a coin to set up a checkpoint, or you can watch a video ad, if the offer comes up, and start over again from a checkpoint.

The first time that you play a level will always be the toughest time that you play. The levels are the same every time you play them, no matter how many times you play them, so if you play the level again, you'll know exactly what to expect from it. Play the levels as many times as you need to in order to make it easier to beat.