Gladiator Rising: Roguelike (Android)

Various Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the achievements.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
100Play 100 games.500
33Play 33 games.500
AmadeusFight against Amadeus the War God.500
AmateurAccumulate one hour of gameplay.500
AssassinWin 10 fights against gladiators.500
BomberExplode a gladiator.500
CrixusFight against Crixus the Barbarian King.500
Death by BleedingDie from bleeding.500
Death by FireDie from fire damage.500
Death by PoisonDie from poison.500
Death by WildfireDie from wildfire damage.500
DemonusDiscover Demonus.500
ExpertPlay as all classes at least once.500
First BloodWin your first fight!500
First DeathLose your first battle.500
First GamePlay one game.500
GeneralWin 100 fights against gladiators.500
ImpalerImpale a gladiator with a spear throw.500
InstakillWin a fight in single action.500
Mage VictoryWin the game as a Mage.500
MagePlay as Mage.500
MasterAccumulate five hour of gameplay.500
OrcusFight against Orcus the Undead.500
RampageWin a fight in single turn.500
RicusDiscover Ricus the Destroyer of Worlds.500
Rogue VictoryWin the game as a Rogue.500
RoguePlay as Rogue.500
Total VictoryWin the game with all three classes.500
UntouchableWin a fight without loosing any health.500
VeteranAccumulate three hours of gameplay.500
War LordWin 1000 fights against gladiators.500
Warrior VictoryWin the game as a Warrior.500
WarriorPlay as Warrior.500
Your First 10Play ten games.500