Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A Heavy-Duty Win | Beat the Armored MomCrop Drone. | 2000
A Lot of Wheel | Spin the Wheel of Robots many, many times. | 500
A Victory Over Neutrality | Beat the Defense Desk. | 1000
Binge Watching | Rewatch a comic from the story overview menu. | 500
Bye Bye, Drone Spy | Beat the Spy Drone. | 500
Calculon's Inferno | Complete all levels in Robot Hell with three stars. | 2500
Clamps Got Clamped! | Beat Clamps. | 1500
DOOPed Again | Complete all levels in DOOP with three stars. | 1000
Destination: Moon | Complete all levels on the Moon with three stars. | 500
Faulty Faculty | Complete all levels in Mars University with three stars. | 3500
Fear and Loathing in Mars Vegas | Complete all levels in Mars Vegas with three stars. | 1500
Get Thee Behind Me | Beat Robot Devil. | 2500
Hardy and Ramanujan | Play 1729 rounds. | 500
New New Job | Complete all levels in New New York with three stars. | 500
Party Like It's 1999 | Play 1999 rounds. | 500
Prince of Persei | Complete all levels in Omicron Persei 8 with three stars. | 4500
Rock, Paperwork, Scissors | Complete all levels in Central Bureaucracy with three stars. | 3000
Set Phasers to Zapp | Beat Zapp Brannigan. | 500
Slush Fund | Buy some money, and give a little bit more to President Nixon's re-election fund. | 500
Spin The Wheel | Spin the Wheel of Robots. | 500
Squid Pro Quo | Complete all levels in Decapod 10 with three stars. | 4000
THIS Is An Approval Knife! | Beat Roberto. | 3000
Take THAT, Seniority! | Beat Wernstrom. | 3500
The Invasion That Wasn't | Beat Lrrr. | 4000
The Magical Elf | Nothing is impossible - not even losing level 2. | 500
Therapy Session | You've had a session with Dr. Perceptron. Don't you feel better now? | 500
True Warmongering Love | Beat Ndnd. | 4500
Viva La Sewer | Complete all levels in the Mutant Sewers with three stars. | 2000
Wheel Watcher | Spin the Wheel of Robots a few times. | 500