Go to the store area and watch as many free videos, or complete as many free offers, as you can for FREE gems. Always go and collect the coins and the souls in the battle, or else they won’t show up in your collection. At start stay back and build up leadership points for awhile, then send in a flood of troops, and slowly march your hero forward to attack along with them, using their special moves to help out your troops and keep them from dying. Your hero can attack slightly faster if you tap to either side right after every attack. Each attack has a warm up and a cool down, and moving slightly to the side will skip the cool down move entirely, allowing you to attack even faster. This goes for both the melee attack and the ranged attack. Different heroes and troops have different strengths so be prepared to change up your strategy acordingly. For lots of ground enemies, send in the broom peasants and other melee-centered heroes, and send in a hero with a very strong melee attack, such as the ranger.