Dark Knight Rises, The (Android)



A good strategy during a fight against a gang of foes is to always take out the armed thugs first and deflect incoming attacks by pressing the counterattack icon when the virtual button appears on-screen.


During gameplay always remember to pick up the credits dead bad guys leave behind.

General Tip

Utilize Batman's gadget wisely, it could give you a great advantage such as grabbing items or human from a distance. Take the credit (a badge) left behind when the bad guys are dead.


Use Batman's Grapnel when you need to cover long distances quickly as this gadget will allow you to swing between buildings. It also comes in handy for neutralizing snipers, or simply dragging a bad guy into the Caped Crusader's clutches.

Various Game Hints

For covering huge distances in the quickest time possible use Batman's Grapnel. This valuable gadget lets you zip between buildings, and also comes in handy for neutralizing snipers, or simply dragging a bad guy into the Caped Crusader's clutches. Always take out armed thugs first. Also when in a fight deflect incoming attacks by pressing the counterattack icon when the virtual button appears on-screen. Dead bad guys leave credits behind always pick them up.