Achievement | How to unlock | Points
#YOLOSWAG | Unlock seven dances. | 3000
Ancient Answers | Get an alien kid to block you. | 3000
Bear Baiting | Make the Gentle Giant kid angry. | 1000
Boogie Down | Unlock the first dance. | 1000
Bright Future | Get 10 A+. | 1000
Burn Book | Unlock all kids in the Yearbook. | 2500
Cheating Genius | Get 100 A+. | 10000
Freedom Fighter | Make the teacher's pet cry. | 2000
Gettin' Jiggy | Unlock three dances. | 2000
Great Expectations | Get 25 A+. | 2500
Life Hacker | Get 50 A+. | 5000
Mad Dash | Get A+ on "No sitting" level. | 3000
Marked Improvement | Buy an upgrade for each powerup. | 1000
Party Pooper | Stop a clown from laughing. | 2500
Persuasive | Finish a "First to finish" level. | 5000
Power Master | Get all upgrades to max. | 10000
Prom King | Finish the game. | 10000
Raising Heck | Finish an "Anger management" level. | 2000
Smooth Talker | Use ten excuses. | 2500
Specialist | Get any upgrade to max. | 5000
The Teachonomicon | Unlock all teachers in the yearbook. | 2500
You Shall Not Pass | Get a wizard kid to block you. | 2500