Cat Jump (Android)

Various Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the achievements.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Absolute!TOTAL 50000!5000
Advanced!TOTAL 6000!5000
Amateur!TOTAL 2000!5000
Conqueror!TOTAL 30000!5000
Experienced!BEST 200!5000
Expert!TOTAL 8000!5000
First-rate!BEST 600!5000
God!BEST 1000!5000
Hero!BEST 400!5000
Inexperienced!BEST 100!5000
Intermediate!BEST 300!5000
Master!TOTAL 20000!5000
Professional!TOTAL 4000!5000
Ruler!TOTAL 40000!5000
Superior!BEST 700!5000
Superman!BEST 900!5000
Top!BEST 500!5000
Veteran!TOTAL 10000!5000
Virtuoso!TOTAL 15000!5000
World-class!BEST 800!5000