To win a match, you only need to destroy your opponent's headquarters. However, the more towers you bring down, the more card points you will earn at the end of the battle. If you destroy a tower all the way, it will become yours. However if the enemy destroys that tower during their turn, it will become theirs again. During the later stages, make sure to add cards to your deck that will draw cards at the end of a turn. This is useful when your enemy still has several warriors available in battle and you only have one. When building your deck, mix in fighting units. Also consider units that can do splash damage, such as Pyromancers. It is important to eliminate multiple enemies and building cards such as headquarters and support buildings at the same time.
Besides as rewards from matches, you can purchase new cards using CP. CP is also gained by completing matches, but you can also earn them by finishing quests.
New card types
During the first few scenario missions, you will have a pre-built deck. After those introduction quests are completed, you will unlock the Pirate category cards. Note that each category of the chapters is named after the card type you will unlock for winning all of that category. To build your deck the best way, keep playing through the scenarios. You are limited to using two factions per deck.