Cannon Land Family (Android)

Google Play Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
10 PointsGet 10 points.
100 GamesPlay 100 games.
120 PointsGet 120 Points.
20 PointsGet 20 Points.
200 PointsGet 200 Points.
40 PointsGet 40 Points.
50 GamesPlay 50 games.
500 GamesPlay 500 games.
5000 GamesPlay 5000 games.
80 PointsGet 80 Points.
Death 1000Die 1000 times.
Doggy DogsUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
Doggy Dogs IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.
FAMILYUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
FAMILY IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.
FarmUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
Farm IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.
GALAXY BULLETSUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
GALAXY BULLETS IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.
Gaming BrosUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
Gaming Bros IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.
Mobile FriendsUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
Mobile Friends IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.
Mutant turtlesUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
Mutant turtles IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.
Pocket BulletsUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
Pocket Bullets IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.
PrincessesUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
Princesses IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.
Sky DeathDie on the top side of the screen.
Super BulletsUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
Super Bullets IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.
The Family of the ringUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
The Family of the ring IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.
The FightersUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
The Fighters IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.
Underwater DeathDie going 'down directly into the water.
ZOOUnlock all the Pet Bullets from this family.
ZOO IslandComplete all the challenges from this island.