Blocky Soccer (Android)

Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Glut!Score five goals in a game.2500
A XicaraWin the International Cup.2500
Bing BangDribble past fifty defenders.5000
Cup Tied UpWin all the cups.10000
Did You See That!Score a goal.1000
Die TasseWin the German Cup.2500
Eat My GoalDribble past a defender.1000
FinchedGet tackled hundred times.1000
Five-a-sideUnlock five characters.1000
GooooooalllScore ten goals.1000
La CopaWin the Spanish Cup.2500
La DecimaUnlock ten characters.1000
La KalikonWin the Euro Cup.2500
La TazzaWin the Italian Cup.2500
Like A Traction EngineDribble past fifteen defenders.1000
Liquid FootballDribble past hundred defenders.10000
Mascot MasterWin the Invitational Cup.2500
Nearly ThereReach a semi final.1000
Quarter CenturyUnlock 25 characters.2500
Sharing Is CaringShare an image.1000
Starter CupWin the Rookie Cup.2500
Striiiiker!Score hundred goals.10000
SwapsGet a duplicate character.1000
The Big 5-0Unlock fifty characters.5000
The Big GameReach a final.1000
The CupWin the English Cup.2500
The KeymasterCollect three keys.1000
YesyesyesyesScore fifty goals.5000