Battle Nations (Android)

Easy Gold

You can get even more coins in Battle Nations by constructing your farm structures and attack enemies. Assaulting pals is the very best way to make gold. You can just do this once a day for each buddy. To get even more cash in Battle Nations, you ought to welcome more good friends. It's easy, just do as following three steps: Enroll in an account at Z2Live. Login with this account, then welcome pals. After the good friends accept your invite, they are in your good friends list! As they play Battle of Nations, you can assault them.

Easy Nanopods

Nanopods belong missions, soldiers and materials for the Battle Nations. Players need to make genuine purchases to support the dev team, it is very challenging to acquire adequate nanopods. The equally for nanopods get with coins, the cost is rather unjust. Battle Nations Cheats will certainly inform you another way to obtain even more nanopods. Nations Battle is Tapjoy nanopods and you can win from there. Go to, you can get free nanopods. Exactly what you have to do is just download the video games, and check out a little, then get nanopods free. Nanopods can not be made use of for building of centers in Battle Nations.

Extra 50 gold

Go to raiders camp, then attack stone and wood. Since on the other side there is no challengers so you'll be rich if you keep doing it, you'll get 50 gold each time. This is just a glitch/cheat I discovered while assaulting raiders land, guarenteed to deal with ios, you'll likewise get the stone and wood.

Get more exp

In nations of battle, exp is very important to level quick in the video game players are combating to obtain even more exp in the video game Fighting works however is not the very best way to obtain exp. Right here are means to obtain even more exp in establishing battle. You must constantly do missions, they assist you by providing you bonus offer exp for things that you require. If you have other residences down that you have to take a dump all your old home and put all the huts, you will certainly get even more gold and exp.

Good Units

In Battle Nations, some units are much better versus specific enemies! Tap among the barracks to watch your units. There is a'Excellent Vs.'next area on the stat card. From there, the barracks stated that the units of the soldier is the very best cons.

Google Play Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
A Drop in the BucketContribute 100 points toward a Boss Strike!
A Few More Good Men...10 Full Garrisons.
A Spark to Start the FireFirst Flamethrower Ignition.
Assault and BatteryWin 25 Attack Missions.
Assault and PepperFirst Attack Mission.
AtlasContributed 10,000 points toward a Boss Strike!
Battle HappyWin 10 Battles in 10 Minutes.
Big WinnerEarn the Tier 10 Prize Boss Strike.
Birds and StonesKill More Than 1 Unit With a Single Attack.
Budding BuilderConstruct 15 Buildings.
Chessmaster GeneralDefeat an Army of 12 in 8 moves.
Deadly DozenDefeat an Army of 12 in 12 moves.
Door PrizeEarn the Tier 1 Prize in a Boss Strike.
Double BarrackedOwn 2 Barracks.
First BloodFirst Attack vs. a Friend.
Friendly FirePlay PvP With a Friend.
Good Things Come To Those Who InvadeFirst Occupation Mission.
It Goes to 11Earn the Tier 11 prize in a Boss Strike.
Kasparov-in-CommandDefeat an Army of 12 in 4 moves.
Moving the NeedleContribute 2000 points toward a Boss Strike!
One Bunk At A Time10 Soldiers in your Army.
Outpost OverseerOwn 25 Districts.
Raid NationWin 25 Raid Missions.
Small Things Come To Those Who RaidFirst Raid Mission.
Somme RemixDefeat an Army using only Artillery.
Space InvaderWin 25 Occupation Missions.
Stalwart DefenderDefended Against 5 Consecutive Attacks.
Starting to Refine YourselfFirst Steel Mill.
Stone WallDefended Against 15 Consecutive Attacks.
The Dirty DozenBring 12 Soldiers to a Battle.
Who Needs Enemies?Play PvP With Friends 100 Times.
With a Little Help From My FriendsParticipate in a Boss Strike while in a Guild.