Battle Ages (Android)

Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Ancient AgeAdvance your settlement to the Ancient Age.500
Art of War IIIDeploy 10000 units in battle.2000
Art of War IIDeploy 1000 units in battle.1000
Art of War IDeploy 100 units in battle.500
Be Prepared IIIRearm 500 triggered traps.2000
Be Prepared IIRearm 100 triggered traps.1000
Be Prepared IRearm 50 triggered traps.500
City of Science IIIComplete 30 scientific researches.2000
City of Science IIComplete 18 scientific researches.1000
City of Science IComplete 6 scientific researches.500
Classical AgeAdvance your settlement to the Classical Age.1000
Clean the Streets IIIRemove 40 obstacles from your settlement.2000
Clean the Streets IIRemove 20 obstacles from your settlement.1000
Clean the Streets IRemove 10 obstacles from your settlement.500
Demolisher IIIDestroy 2000 enemy walls.2000
Demolisher IIDestroy 100 enemy walls.1000
Demolisher IDestroy 10 enemy walls.500
Field of Dreams IIIBuild 30 new buildings in your settlement.2000
Field of Dreams IIBuild 10 new buildings in your settlement.1000
Field of Dreams IBuild 5 new buildings in your settlement.500
For the Win IIIAchieve 5000 offensive victories.2000
For the Win IIAchieve 250 offensive victories.1000
For the Win IAchieve 25 offensive victories.500
Grow Your Empire IIIUpgrade 100 buildings in your settlement.2000
Grow Your Empire IIUpgrade 50 buildings in your settlement.1000
Grow Your Empire IUpgrade 25 buildings in your settlement.500
Hold the Line IIIAchieve 5000 defensive victories.2000
Hold the Line IIAchieve 250 defensive victories.1000
Hold the Line IAchieve 10 defensive victories.500
Industrial AgeAdvance your settlement to the Industrial Age.2500
Lay Waste IIIDeploy 1000 siege weapons in battle.2000
Lay Waste IIDeploy 100 siege weapons in battle.1000
Lay Waste IDeploy 10 siege weapons in battle.500
Medieval AgeAdvance your settlement to the Medieval Age.1500
Moving on Up IIIAcquire 2500 trophies in battle.2000
Moving on Up IIAcquire 1750 trophies in battle.1000
Moving on Up IAcquire 1100 trophies in battle.500
Renaissance AgeAdvance your settlement to the Renaissance Age.2000
Run the Gauntlet IIIAchieve 60 stars in the campaign.2000
Run the Gauntlet IIAchieve 30 stars in the campaign.1000
Run the Gauntlet IAchieve 10 stars in the campaign.500
Sticky Fingers IIISteal 1000000 coins from the enemy.2000
Sticky Fingers IISteal 100000 coins from the enemy.1000
Sticky Fingers ISteal 20000 coins from the enemy.500
Win Streak IIIWin 25 consecutive victories against the enemy.2000
Win Streak IIWin 10 consecutive victories against the enemy.1000
Win Streak IWin 5 consecutive victories against the enemy.500