Bakery Blitz: Cooking Game (Android)


Successfully complete a customer's order and they will leave a tip behind. Tips can be collected manually. When you become overwhelmed with too many people coming in at the same time, leave the tips on the table. A new customer cannot take that spot until the tip has been collected. However the tip will automatically be collected after a few seconds.

Holding plate

After a few levels , the holding plate will be unlocked. It allows you to store completed dishes to be served later when the proper customer arrives. Try to predict what type of cake or drink will be used during the level, and begin storing them.


Try to memorize each customer's order. Each type of customer always orders the same one or two dishes. Memorize each different order as they correspond to a particular customer to start the desired cake and drink and save time.


If you have good timing, you can collect several tips in a row to earn a chain bonus. When done correctly, the message "Chain!" appear in the top left corner. After you have multiple tips on the counter, collect them all in one attempt. The longer the chain, the better the bonus.


Upgrades will become very expensive. Complete the goals to afford them. Goals are optional objectives that you can be completed during any level. Most will result in a number of coins as a reward after completion. You can also receive tickets and other items.