Back To Square One (Android)

Google Play Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
AstroUnlock Astro.
BelleUnlock Belle.
BitUnlock Bit.
BuzzUnlock Buzz.
ChibiUnlock Chibi.
EmojoUnlock Emojo.
FlintUnlock Flint.
GabrielUnlock Gabriel.
GoofUnlock Goof.
GruulUnlock Gruul.
HueyUnlock Huey.
KyoUnlock Kyo.
LuciferUnlock Lucifer.
MacUnlock Mac.
NibblesUnlock Nibbles.
Not SquishUnlock Not Squish.
PikeUnlock Pike.
PingoUnlock Pingo.
PxUnlock px.
RobertUnlock Robert.
SkullitorUnlock Skullitor.
StellaUnlock Stella.
TripUnlock Trip.
TubbyUnlock Tubby.