Alchemy - Genetics (Android)

Various Recipes

Combine the indicated ingredients to create the corresponding animal.

RecipeHow to unlock
AardvarkPig + Hare
African CivetDog + Cheetah
AlbatrossGull + Cheetah
AlfExtraterrestrial + Yak
AlienLizard + CatDog
Alligator Snapping TurtleTurtle + Tenrec
AlpacaLama + Elephatamus
AnacondaBoa + EEL
AndroidHuman + Dolphin
AngelDove + Flying Crocodile
AngelfishGolden Carp + Flat Fish
AngelsharkShark + Angelfish
AniotoWerewolf + Ocelot
Ankole WatusiCow + Elk
AnophelesMosquito + Scorpion
AnteaterBear + Elephant Shrew
AntelopeDeer + Hare
AnubisCoyote + Human
AraParrot + Rhinoceros
ArchaeopteryxPterodactyl + Mouse
Artic foxFox + White Bear
ArgiopeSpder + Zebra
ArmadilloMole + Snail
AsioOwl + Long Eared Hedgehog
Atlas MothButterfly + Dragon
AxolotlTriton + Ladybug (Ladybird)
Aye-AyeRat + Hare
BadgerGround Squirrel + Yak
Bald RatRat + Gollum
Banded NewtTriton + Echinda
Barbary LionLion + Sea Devil
BasiliskLizard + Monitor Lizard
BatMouse + Flying Lemur
BatManHuman + Bat
BearBeaver + Shark
BeaverRodent + Ant
Bed BugBedbug + Cat
BedbugAnt + Mosquito
BeeAnt + Eagle
BeetleCockroach + Snail
BilbyPygmy Mouse + Hare
BinturongRaccoon + Slowpoke
Black-backed GulGull + Sea Devil
BlobFishAnchovy + Hippopotamus
Blue Dart FrogFrog + Spider
Blue Great DaneDog + Elephant
Blue WhaleWhale + Sea Devil
Blue-ringed OctopusOctopus + Spider
BoaSnake + Iguana
BombinaToad + cheetah
Booted EagleEagle + Dwarf
BottlenoseDolphin + Sea Devil
Brahminy BlindsankeSnake + Gremlin
Brazilian TapirTapir + Bombina
Brian (family Guy)Dog + Winnie the Pooh
Brown RatRat + Kangaroo
Bugs BunnyRabbit + Cuckoo
BullfrogToad + Antelope
BunnyballHare + White Bear
ButterflyFly + Swan
C3poAndroid + Zombie
CachalotWhale + Shark
CamelLama + Cow
Camel SpiderSpider + Sabertooth Squirrel
Cancer PagurusCrab + Kangaroo
CapricornGoat + Water Nymph
CapybaraGuinea Pig + Dragon
CaracalLynx + Aardvark
CatRaccoon + Chicken
CatDogDog + Snow Leopard (or Cat)
CaterpillarWorm + Sloth
CatWomanCentaur + Tiger
CentaurHorse + Cyclops
CerberusDog + Flying Piglet
Chain PickerelPike + Zebra
ChameleonLizard + FlatFish
CharmanderDragon + Picachu
CheburashkaAye-Aye + Mickey Mouse
CheetahTiger + Centaur (or Mouse)
Cheshire CatCat + Chameleon
ChewbaccaOrangatang + Angel
ChihuahuaYorkshire Terrier +Bald Rat
ChinchillaHamster + Rhinoceros
Chinese Softshell TurtleTurtle + Proboscis Monkey
ChipmunkSquirrel + Bunnyball
ChupacabraMonitor Lizard + Mosquito
Clown FishFish + Ring-tailed Lemur
Club-Tailed LizardLizard + Snail
CobraSnake + Tarantula
CocatrixMonitor Lizard + Butterfly
CockroachAnt + Ostrich
Coconut CrabCrab + Tyrannosaur
CometGolden Carp + Desman
Comet MothMoth + Flamingo
Cone SnailSnail + Spider
Coral SnakeSnake + Bee
CowHippopotamus + Golden Carp
CowdillowCow + Armadillo
CowfishShark + Ostrich
CoyoteWolf + Okapi
CrabShrimp + Bear
CricketGrasshopper + Cat
CrocodileMonitor Lizard + Anaconda
CtulhuSquid + Goblin
Cuban FrogFrog + Mouse
CuckooSparrow + Magpie
CujoZombie + Dog
CupidAngel + Galago
CyclopsHuman + Flatfish
CylindrophiidaeSnake + Whale Shark
DeerElk + Horse
DeguSquirrel + Ant
DementorGhost + Umber Hulk
DesmanMole + Kinkajou
DesmatosuchusCrocodile + Armadillo
DevilEggdevil + Human
DholeRed Panda & Dog or any canine
DingoDog + Wolf
DiplodocusMonitor Lizard + Ostrich
Do-DoDove + Manul
DogJackal + Cat
DolphinSeal + Parrot
DonkeyPony + Sea Otter
DoveChicken + Golden Carp
DragonGargoyle + Gorilla
DragoncatfishDragon + cat or Guinea Pig
DragonflyShrimp + Vampire
DromedaryCamel + Formica (or Kangaroo)
DuckDove + Beaver
DuckfellerDuck + Spider
DumboElephant + Rabbit
Dumbo OctopusOctopus + Dwarf
DwarfHuman + Donkey
Dwarf Pygmy GobyAnchovy + Mouse
EagleFalcon + Piranha
EchindaAnteater + Hedgehog
EelSnake + Musk Beaver
EggdevilBunnyball + Flying Piglet
Electric EelEel + Guitarfish
ElephantHippopotamus + Mosquito
Elephant ShrewMouse + Mosquito
ElephatamusElephant + Spotted Catshark
ElfHuman + Aye-Aye
ElkHorse + Horned Bird
Emperor PenguinPenguin + Sea Devil
Emperor ScorpionScorpion + Sea Devil
E.T.Extraterrestrial + Ostrich
Eursaian WoodcockDove + Sloth
ExtraterrestrialChupacabra + Android
FairyHuman + Ladybug (Ladybird)
FalconEagle + Ostrich
False Vampire BatBat + Rhinozebra
FaunGoat + Human
FennecDog + Aye-Aye
FerretWeasel + Cat
Fire AntAnt + Manul
FlamingoHeron + Dove
FlatfishAnchovy + Shrimp
FleaAnt + Flying Squirrel
FlyCockroach + Pegasus
Flying CrocCrocodile + Bee
Flying FishAnchovy + Bee
Flying LemursRing-tailed Lemur + Flying Fish
Flying MonkeyMonkey + Eagle
Flying PigletPig + Flying Fish
Flying RatRat + Flying Fish
Flying SquirrelSquirrel + Flying Piglet
Football FishBunnyball + Leech
FormicaAnt + Elephant
FoxDog + Magpie
Freckled DuckDuck + Cheetah
Frilled LizardBasilisk + Sea Devil
Frilled SharkShark + Charmander
FrogLizard + Kangaroo
Frog-pinoccioFrog + Elephant
Fruit DoveDove + Peafowl
Fur SealSeal + Sea Otter
GalagoAye-Aye + Wombat
Gambian Pouch RatRat + Kangaroo
GarfieldCat + Patric
GargoyleBat + Cyclops
GavialCrocodile + Anteater
GazelleAntelope + Giraffe
GeckoTriton + Leaf Tailed Gecko
GhostHuman + Thestral
Giant SalamanderSalamander + Whale
GiraffeDeer + Ostrich
GoatAntelope + Yak
GoblinOgre + Dwarf
GodzillaTyrannosaur + Alien
Golden CarpAnchovy + Chicken
Golden PheasantPheasant + Mouse
Goliath BirdeaterSpider + Atlas Moth
GollumHouse Elf + Umber Hulk
GooseDuck + Tyrannosaur
GoralGoat + Elephatamus
GorgonHuman + Tyrannosaur
GorillaMonkey + Tyrannosaur
GrasshopperAnt + Ground Squirrel
GremlinAye-Aye + Wolverene
Grey Crowned CraneStork + Atlas Moth
GriffinEagle + Angel
Ground SquirrelRat + Heron
Guinea PigHamster + Pig
GuitarfishFlatfish + Swordfish
GullDuck + Hyena
GuppyGolden Carp + Mouse
Hairy CrabCrab + Tarantula
Hairy FrogFrog + Hairy Crab
Hammer FishSwordfish + Piranha
HamsterRodent + Golden Carp
HareChinchilla + Degu
HarpyValkirie + Ara
Harvest MouseMouse + Dumbo Octopus
HeadcrabCrab + Mermaid
HedgehogRat + Porcupine
Hermit CrabCrab + Mouse
HeronDuck + Ostrich
HippopotamusPig + Beaver
HobbitDwarf + Goat
Honduran BatBunnyBall + Bat
HoneycombAndroid + Bee
HoopoeWoodpecker + Swan
Horned BirdBird + Yak
Horned TurtleTurtle + Horned Bird
Horned ViperSnake + Horned Bird
HorseCow + Pike
Horseshoe CrabGuitarfish + Hairy Crab
House ElfElf + Cat
HulkYeti + Aye-Aye
HumanMonkey + Mule
HummingbirdDove + Aye-Aye
Humpty DumptyEggdevil + C3PO
HydraDragon + Batman
HyenaLion + Vulture
HypnotoadToad + R2D2
IchthyanderShark + Human
Ifrita KowaldiSparrow + Spider
IguanaLizard + Snake
IguanodonTyrannosaur + Cow
Iron GolemTerminator + Diplodocus
Jabba The HuttLeech + Tyrannosaur
JackalHyena + Leaf-Tailed Gecko
JackalopeHare + Antelope
JaguarCheetah + Frog
Japanese MacaqueMonkey + Snow Leopard
Jar Jar BinksDonkey + Angel
JellyfishStarfish + Lion
JerboaMouse + Kangaroo
KakapoParrot + Red Panda
KangarooHare + Chinchilla
KelpieHorse + Vampire
Killer BunnyHare + Crab
King CobraCobra + Elephant
KinkajouRing Tailed Lemur + Mouse
KiwiPerdix + Mosquito
KoalaBear + Kangaroo
KomondorDog + Red Panda
KrakenOctopus + minotaur
KronosaurusTyrannasaur + Flatfish
Ladybug (Ladybird)Beetle + Butterfly
LamaHorse + Manul
LampreyEel + Wombat (or Eel + Hairy Crab)
Leaf-tailed GeckoChupacabra + Dwarf
LeechWorm + Bedbug
Leopard CatCat + Spotted Catfish
LichWizard + Dementor
LigerLion + Tiger
LiguarLion + Jaguar
LionTiger + Pig
Lion TamarinMonkey + Galago
Little GullGull + Dumbo Octopus
Little PenguinPenguin + Dumbo Octopus
LizardSnake + Pike
LobsterShrimp + Do-Do
LocustGrasshopper + Bee
Long-eared HedgehogHedgehog + Dumbo
Long-eared JerboaJerboa + Hare
LynxCat + Shaark
Macroglossum StellatarumButterfly + Proboscis Monkey
MagpieRaven + Rat
MammothElephant + Squirrel
ManateeCow + Shark
Maned RatChinchilla + Dingo
MangalitsaPig + White Bear
ManticoreLion + Horseshoe Crab
MantisGrasshopper + Bear
Mantis ShrimpMantis + Shrimp
ManulCat + Pig
Marbled Pole CatFerret + Cheetah
Marine IguanaIguana + Electric Eel
MarioHuman + Kangaroo
MarmotGround Squirrel + Panda
Master YodaGremlin + Dolphin
MeerkatGround squirrel + Ant
Megachile PlutoBee + Elephant
MeowthCat + Picachu
MermaidHuman + Scorpion
Mickey MouseMouse + Ant or Tweety
MinionSpongeBob + Ant
MinkMouse + Tarantula
MinotaurCow + Human
MoleChicken + Rat
MongooseBear + Weasel
Monitor LizardIguana + Hare
MonkeyRing-tailed Lemur + Frog
MosquitoFly + Bat
MothButterfly + Tasmanian Devil
MouseHamster + Degu
Mouse DeerDeer + Wallaby
Mouse LemurMonkey + Mouse Deer
MudkipPicachu + Starfish
MuleHorse + Ant
MummySphinx + Lich
MuraenaSnake + Shark
Musk BeaverBeaver + Swan
Musk DeerDeer + Walrus
MuskellungePike + Anaconda
MyriapodWorm + Ant
Na’viBlue Dart Frog + Human
NagaSnake + Ninja
Naked ChickenChicken + Bald rat
NarwhalWhale + Swordfish
NasuaRaccoon + Charmandor
NautilusOctopus + Snail
NessyKronosaurus + Diplodocus
NinjaNinja Turtle + Human
Ninja TurtleTurtle + Angel
OcelotJaguar + Mouse
OctopusStarfish + Sea Devil
OgreCyclops + Zombie
OkapiGiraffe + Donkey
OpossumBadger + Bear
OrangutanMonkey + Raven
OstrichChicken +Do-Do
OwlDove + Mole
OwletOwl + Mouse
OysterTrepang + Nautilus
Pale-Throated SlothSloth + Dwarf
PandaBear + Cheetah
PangolinMonitor Lizard + Turtle
ParrotRaven + Peafowl
ParrotfishParrot + Flatfish
Parson’s ChameleonChameleon + Boa
PatricStarfish + Cjicken
PeafowlEagle + Dove
Peafowl GrasshopperGrasshopper + Chameleon
PearlscaleGolden carp + African Civet
PecariWild Boar + Aye-Aye
PegasusHorse + Bee
PelicanEagle + Koala
Penaeus MonodonShrimp + Zebra
PenguinSeal + DO-Do
PerdixChicken + Raccoon
Pharaoh AntAnt + Garfield
PheasantPerdix + Frilled Lizard
PhoenixPeafowl + Chameleon
PigBeaver + Chicken
Pigeons JacobinDove + Yak
PikachuAndroid + Bear
PikeSturgeon + Muraena
Pilot WhaleWhite Whale + Whale
Pink PantherFlamingo + Jaguar
PiranhaPike + Weasel
PixieGremlin + Bee
PlatypusDuck + Beaver
Polyrhachis SokolovaAnt + Spotted Seal
PonyHorse + Dwarf or sea otter
PorcupinePig + scorpionfish
Portuguese Man O’WarJellyfish + Cobra
Proboscis MonkeyMonkey + Anteater
PsyduckDuck + Charmander
PterodactylBat + Tyrannosaur
Pygmy HippopotamusHippopotamus + Pygmy Mouse
Pygmy MouseHamster + Wombat
R2D2Android + Bald Rat
RaEagle + Human
RabbitHare + Pig
RaccoonRat + Wasel
RavenChicken + Rat
Red PandaPanda + Owl
Red Ruffed LemurRing Tailed Lemur + Red Panda
RhinocerosHippopotamus + Horned Bird
Rhinoceros BeetleBeetle + Woodpecker
RhinozebraRhinoceros + Zebra
Ribbon SealSeal + Tiger
Ring-tailed LemurRaccoon + Lynx
Road RunnerCuckoo + Ostrich
RobocopTerminator + Termite
Rockhopper PenguinPenguin + Flea
Sabre-toothed SquirrelSquirrel + Mammoth
Sabre-toothed TigerTiger + Mammoth
Sage-grouseTurkey + Pheasant
SalamanderLizard + Panda
ScoobyDooDog + Chicken (or Zombie)
ScorpionfishShark + Scorpion
ScorpionAnt + Rat
Sea DevilFlatfish + Rhinoceros
Sea DragonSea Horse + Starfish
Sea HorseHorse + Flying Fish
Sea LionSeal + Lizard
Sea MouseMouse + Octopus
Sea OtterBeaver + Hummingbird
Sea TurtleTurtle + Whale
Sea-HedgehogHedgehog + Flying Fish
SealCow + Eel
Sea SlugSlug + Axolotl
SecretarybirdStork + Raven
SelkieSeal + Human
SharkPiranha + Ostrich
SheatfishFlatfish + Pig
SheepGoat + Pig
ShoebillHeron + Duck
ShrimpAnchovy + Ant
SkinkLizard + Sabre Tooth Tiger
SkunkChinchilla + Tarantula
SlothBear + Snail
SlowpokePikachu + Anteater
SlugSnail + Aye-Aye
SmurfDwarf + Toucan
SnailWorm + Crab
SnakeWorm + Ostrich
SnorkSmurf + Sea Turtle
Snow LeopardLynx + Shark
Space InvaderAndroid + Ant
SparrowHummingbird + Goblin or Monkey
Speckled PigeonDove + Jaguar
SphinxLion + Gargoyle
Sphynx (Cat)Cat + Aye-Aye
SpiderAnt + Scorpionfish
Spider MonkeyMonkey + Heron
SpidermanHuman + Spider
SpongeBobTrepang + Gargoyle
Spotted CatsharkShark + Dwarf
Spotted SealSeal + Bombina
SquidOctopus + Pheasant
SquirrelRat + Lynx
SquirtleTurtle + Pikachu
Star Nosed MoleStarfish + Mole
StarfishLeech + Butterfly
StegasaurousStrawberry Crab + Iguanadon
Stink BeetleBeetle + Skunk
StirgeMosquito + Flying Croc
StorkHeron + Goose
Strawberry CrabCrab + Smurf
Striated FrogfishClown Fish + Lion Tamarin
SturgeonShark + Cow
Sucker OctopusOctopus + Sea Dragon
SwallowSparrow + Peafowl
SwanDuck + Dove
Swordfishshark + Horned Bird
SyngnathusWorm + Anchovy
TakinYak + Aardvark
TanukiRaccoon + Angel
TapirAnteater + Pig
TarantulaSpider + Scorpion (or Spider + Hairy Crab)
TarsierGround Squirrel + Sloth
Tasmanian DevilKoala + Gremlin
TatzelwurmSnake + Catdog
TauntaunKangaroo + Angel
Tenrecechidna + Dumbo Octopus
TerminatorAndroid + Chupacabra or Tyrannosaur
TermiteCockroach + Ant
ThestralPegasus + Hippopotamus
Thorny DevilLizard + Porcupine
ThylacineWolf + Kangaroo
TigerSnow Leopard + Gazelle
ToadFrog + Whale
ToucanParrot + Swordfish
TragopanPheasant + Striated Frogfish
TrepangCrab + Snake
TriceratopsIguanadon + Horned Bird
TritonLizard + Tunny
TroglodyteFrog + Angel
TrollOgre + Dragon
Tsetse FlyFly + Scorpion
TunnyAnchovy + Basilisk
TurkeyChicken + Piranha
TurtleDuckbill (Platypus) + Nautilus
TurukPterodactyl + Donkey
TweetyChicken + Ant
TyrannosaurMonitor Lizard + Kangaroo
Umber HulkAnt + Terminator
UnicornHorse + Rhinoceros
ValkyrieHuman + Pegasus
VampireHuman + Mosquito
Vampire SquidVampire + Octopus
VerociraptorTyrannosaur + Aye-Aye
VultureEagle + Hippopotamus
Wall-EAndroid + Human
WallabyKangaroo + Bilby
WallarooKangaroo + Camel or chicken
WalrusSeal + Wart Hog
Wart HogPig + Elephant
Water NymphHuman + Clown Fish
WattoDuck + Batman
WeaselMink + Scorpion
Weevil-GiraffeBeetle + Giraffe
WerewolfHuman + Wolf
WhaleElephant + Walrus
Whale SharkShark + Salamander
White BearBear + Penguin
White WhaleDolphin + Artic Fox
Wild BoarPig + Wolf
Winnie The PoohBear + Meerkat
WizardDwarf + Android
WolfDog + wolverene
WolvereneRaccoon + Turkey
WombatBear + Goblin
WoodpeckerBird + Rhinoceros
Wooly RhinocerosRhinoceros + Mammoth
WormFish + Mole
YakCow + Opossum
YetiGorilla + White Bear
Yorkshire TerrierDog + mouse
YoshiVelocoraptor + Donkey
YpotryllCamel + Elephant
Yuan-tiNaga + Anaconda
ZebraHorse + Ring-tailed Lemur
ZebuCow + Wild Boar
ZombieHuman + Chicken