Achievement | How to unlock
A special moment! (I) | Share a picture 3 times.
A special moment! (II) | Share a picture 10 times.
A special moment! (III) | Share a picture 20 times.
A special moment! (IV) | Share a picture 50 times.
A special moment! (V) | Share a picture 100 times.
Celebrity | Create 60 fish.
Check Attendance! (I) | Play game for 3 days.
Check Attendance! (II) | Play game for 7 days.
Check Attendance! (III) | Play game for 10 days.
Check Attendance! (IV) | Play game for 25 days.
Check Attendance! (V) | Play game for 50 days.
Collector (I) | Collect 3 types of fish.
Collector (II) | Collect 10 types of fish.
Collector (III) | Collect 20 types of fish.
Collector (IV) | Collect 40 types of fish.
Collector (V) | Collect 70 types of fish.
Commercial Break! (I) | Watch video 10 times.
Commercial Break! (II) | Watch video 30 times.
Commercial Break! (III) | Watch video 50 times.
Commercial Break! (IV) | Watch video 100 times.
Commercial Break! (V) | Watch video 200 times.
Coral of Life! (I) | Achieve total of 3,000 Coral levels.
Coral of Life! (II) | Achieve total of 7,000 Coral levels.
Coral of Life! (III) | Achieve total of 10,000 Coral levels.
Coral of Life! (IV) | Achieve total of 15,000 Coral levels.
Coral of Life! (V) | Achieve total of 18,000 Coral levels.
Dance with the moon | A Song of the Moon LV. MAX.
Eruption of lives | Volcano LV. MAX.
Fashionista | Unlock all corals.
Fish vendingmachine | Create 100 fish.
Hard worker! (I) | Tap 5,000 times.
Hard worker! (II) | Tap 50,000 times.
Hard worker! (III) | Tap 200,000 times.
Hard worker! (IV) | Tap 500,000 times.
Hard worker! (V) | Tap 1,000,000 times.
Have a lot | Unlock skill Delicious food.
I am not alone | First creation.
I got angry | Unlock skill Volcano.
Make stone up | Unlock 7 corals.
Mysterious Stone! (I) | Achieve LV.200 for Lonely Corallite.
Mysterious Stone! (II) | Achieve LV.350 for Lonely Corallite.
Mysterious Stone! (III) | Achieve LV.500 for Lonely Corallite.
Mysterious Stone! (IV) | Achieve LV.1000 for Lonely Corallite.
Mysterious Stone! (V) | Achieve LV.1500 for Lonely Corallite.
Nutritious food | Delicious food LV. MAX.
Play with fish (I) | Tap fish's Vitality 100 times.
Play with fish (II) | Tap fish's Vitality 500 times.
Play with fish (III) | Tap fish's Vitality 1,000 times.
Play with fish (IV) | Tap fish's Vitality 3,000 times.
Play with fish (V) | Tap fish's Vitality 1,0000 times.
Popular in town | Create 30 fish.
Ready! Action! (I) | Use skill 20 times.
Ready! Action! (II) | Use skill 100 times.
Ready! Action! (III) | Use skill 300 times.
Ready! Action! (IV) | Use skill 500 times.
Ready! Action! (V) | Use skill 1,000 times.
Rendezvous with the moon | Unlock skill A Song of the Moon.
Ruler of alley | Create 10 fish.
Say Cheeeese! (I) | Take a picture 10 times.
Say Cheeeese! (II) | Take a picture 30 times.
Say Cheeeese! (III) | Take a picture 50 times.
Say Cheeeese! (IV) | Take a picture 100 times.
Say Cheeeese! (V) | Take a picture 200 times.
Surging Vitality! (I) | Save 1.000G Vitality.
Surging Vitality! (II) | Save 1.000L Vitality.
Surging Vitality! (III) | Save 1.000P Vitality.
Surging Vitality! (IV) | Save 1.000S Vitality.
Surging Vitality! (V) | Save 1.000W Vitality.
Fish | How to unlock
Blue Clownfish | Take a photo of a clownfish 3 times.
Clown tang | Take a photo of a tang five times.
Convict tang | Do nothing for 1 hour.
Cross damsel | Take a photo of a damsel five times.
Jewel Damsel | Tap the top left corner 1000 times.
Juvenile Spotted Boxfish | Start Application upon Notification.
Narwhale | Tap the top left corner 5000 times.
Nautilus | Use Delicious Food skill 50 Times.
Randals Goby | Take a picture of a Goby 3 times.
Snowflake Clownfish | Tap the Twitter button five times in settings.
Spotted Mandarin Dragonet | Start Application upon Notification.
Springer Dottyback | Share a photo three times.