Ultratron (Xbox One)


Easy "100000 shots fired" Achievement

A level will not end until all its enemies have been killed. Find an enemy that does not move and will not fire at you. Then, kill every other enemy except for that one. After those conditions are met, hold [Fire] and allow the game to idle. It will take several hours to earn "100000 shots fired". Keeping [Fire] mechanically depressed is recommended.

Easy "Salvation" and "Supervisory Position" Achievement

Start a new game and complete the first level. Purchase a smartbomb. During level 2, wait for all the enemies to spawn while dodging them. Then, use the smartbomb.

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
25 fruits (20 points)Collected 25 fruits.
500 grenade kills (20 points)Killed 500 enemies with grenades.
5000 kills (20 points)Vanquished 5000 enemies.
Assault Survivor (20 points)Survived assault level without taking damage.
Awesome (20 points)Awesome double three way bouncy gun.
Bellum (50 points)Defeated Bellum.
Challenge Perfect (25 points)Got 100% on a challenge stage.
Crufts (75 points)Didn't let any pets take damage for 10 levels.
Double Dose (50 points)Defeated two bosses in the same level.
Drone Bullet Kills (20 points)Single drone shot down 50 enemy bullets.
Drone Enemy Kills (20 points)Single drone vanquished 100 enemies.
Drone Survivor (20 points)Went 8 levels without losing a drone.
Grenadier (20 points)10 kills with a single grenade or rocket.
Healthy Diet (25 points)Consumed 10 consecutive fruits.
Ieiunitas (25 points)Defeated Ieiunitas.
Letum (100 points)Defeated Letum.
Lues (75 points)Defeated Lues.
Max Grenade Upgrades (20 points)Grenade add-on upgrades maxed.
Max Laser Pet (20 points)Upgraded laser pet to maximum.
Max Pet Upgrades (50 points)Pets can level up, and have maxed Scan Range, Rocket, Laser and Shooty Pet upgrades.
Max Rocket Pet (20 points)Upgraded rocket pet to maximum.
Max Shields (20 points)Maximum shields.
Max Shooty Pet (20 points)Upgraded shooty pet to maximum.
Salvation (20 points)Smartbombed 50 enemies with one blast.
Superdrones (20 points)Maximum drone upgrades.
Supervisory Position (75 points)Beat a level without firing a single shot.
Take That! (20 points)EMP shocked 10 enemies in one blast.
The Artful Dodger (25 points)Got 100% on a dodge stage.
Times 5 Multiplier (20 points)Maximum score multiplier.
Ultimate (20 points)Double three way bouncy max power rapid fire gun.
Unexpected Item In Bagging Area (25 points)Quantum-shifted through a boss.
Vengeance (20 points)Smartbombed 10 enemies with one blast.