Protocol (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
AlienSnowball (30 points)Throw any object back at the alien.
AlienSoap (30 points)Threw soap at the alien when you first met it.
AlienVaccine (30 points)Vaccinate the alien.
BigBoss (25 points)Defeated the third "boss" without damage.
BlackCard (30 points)Took a shortcut in the chapter "You have violated the Protocol".
CapsuleFire (20 points)Death from the fire.
CapsuleGasp (20 points)Death from suffocation.
CapsuleKeyCard (25 points)Forgot to take a keycard in the capsule.
Cryocamera (20 points)Find a way to go into the far future.
DroneItem (5 points)Threw any object except a snowball.
DroneSnowball (10 points)Threw a snowball.
DrugAddict (25 points)Use all the drugs in the complex.
EasterHunter (20 points)Found all the hidden Easter eggs during the "system configuration".
Ending0 (15 points)Got ending 0.
Ending1 (15 points)Got ending 1.
Ending2 (15 points)Got ending 2.
Ending3 (15 points)Got ending 3.
Ending4 (15 points)Got ending 4.
Ending5 (15 points)Got ending 5.
Ending6 (15 points)Got ending 6.
Ending7 (15 points)Got ending 7.
Epilogue (20 points)Saw the scene after the credits.
EvacuationDrone (15 points)"Called" a combat drone.
FairGames (15 points)Used the terminal's "chat".
FlappyBird (20 points)Passed hacker's first mini-game.
GatesPassword (30 points)Entered the iconic password in the first terminal.
GrayDrug (20 points)Administrated the "dubious" drug again.
Hint0 (5 points)Use a hint for the first time
Hint1 (5 points)Use a hint 10 times.
Hint2 (5 points)Use a hint 50 times.
Hint3 (5 points)Use a hint 100 times.
HUBDrone (15 points)Defeated a drone projecting AI many times.
ImpClown (20 points)Defeated the first "boss" without damage.
ImpRush (15 points)Defeated the second "boss" without damage.
Langolier (10 points)Ignored contactees' warning.
PartyHard (20 points)Found a screamer in chapter "Penetration".
PlatformKeyCard (5 points)Forgot a keycard in the lighting terminal.
RatDG (25 points)Learned RAT-DG terminal's functionality.
Shutdown (25 points)Destroyed the complex.
Snowboard (30 points)Rolled down a hill.
Teapot (30 points)Interrogated the alien using a teapot.
TechFire (25 points)Started the fire.
TechZone (20 points)Found all dead ends in the Technical area.
TheOne (15 points)Passed chapter "Penetration" without damage.
TrialDeath (25 points)Died during the training.
ViolationFirst (5 points)Violated the Protocol for the first time.
ViolationFull (50 points)Find all the possible ways to violate the Protocol.
ViolationNever (70 points)No violations during the game.
WilsonDoor (10 points)Guessed the correct password from the Residential unit's door.
WilsonHand (20 points)Fetched the hand in ending 3.
WilsonWill (15 points)Complied with Wilson's request.