Pizza Titan Ultra (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
~Fin~ (50 points)Complete Chapter 24.
A Lucrative Pizzeria (50 points)Collect $500k.
A Splash of Colour (25 points)Repaint mech.
Certified Mech Pilot (25 points)Complete How To Play.
Crimestopping! (50 points)Complete Chapter 21.
Feel the Power (50 points)Unlock an Ultra Ability.
Free Delivery Complete (50 points)Get a bronze challenge trophy.
Fully Loaded (50 points)Unlock 4 Ultra Abilities.
Halfway Amazing (50 points)Get 4 gold challenge trophies.
Make That Money (50 points)Collect $10K.
Master Golden Deliverer (50 points)Get 8 gold challenge trophies.
Mech Makeover Master (50 points)Unlock all 80 costume parts.
Nicely done! (50 points)Get a gold challenge trophy.
Relax, Tanya! (50 points)Complete Chapter 12.
Silverware Dining (50 points)Get 3 silver challenge trophies.
The Free Deliverer (50 points)Get 8 bronze challenge trophies.
The truth about Cheezborg... (50 points)Complete Chapter 15.
Viable Business Plan (50 points)Collect $100K.
Workin' in the garage (50 points)Unlock a costume part.
Wrecking Crew (50 points)Complete Chapter 2.
You're our only hope! (50 points)Complete Chapter 8.