Line Of Defense Tactics (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
Aerial Warfare (20 points)Use 10 airstrikes.
Asteroids (25 points)Destroy 20 asteroids.
Behind Enemy Lines (100 points)Kill 40 or more enemies in a single skirmish.
Certified (5 points)Purchase your first CTC.
Close Quarters Mayhem (40 points)Eliminate 20 Insurgents using melee combat.
Commanding The Bridge (20 points)Dock the GCV Starguard with Arkangel station.
Duty and Honor (40 points)Complete all secondary and optional objectives in the campaign.
Engineering Corps (50 points)Perform 10 uses of the Repair Kit.
Flawless Execution (25 points)Complete a mission without taking damage.
Getting Things Done (10 points)Complete the first 8 missions of the Lyrius Campaign.
Ground Warfare (50 points)Eliminate 10 Insurgent vehicles during campaign missions.
Heroes End (200 points)Complete all Lyrius campaign missions on Hard.
Human Clone (50 points)Perform 25 BIO-HUMAN revives.
Jack of All Trades (50 points)Unlock all CTCs on a single character.
Ready For Anything (100 points)Unlock all weapons, CTCs and items on a single character.
Smash 'n Grab (20 points)Destroy all red crates in a mission. Cannot be completed in tutorial mission.
Sniper Elite (40 points)Eliminate 100 Insurgents with sniper head shots.
The Life Saver (50 points)Perform 25 uses of the Medical Kit.
The n00b Run (5 points)Complete the tutorial mission of the Lyrius campaign.
Vets And Victory (100 points)Complete all Lyrius campaign missions on Normal.