Gunscape (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
Architect (40 points)Publish 20 maps.
Assassin (25 points)Kill 5 players with a knife.
Block em (10 points)Place your first block in Build mode.
Boxer (25 points)Kill 50 players with Fists.
Builder (10 points)Create your first map.
Burninator (25 points)Kill 100 players with the Flamethrower.
Campaigner (25 points)Build a multi-map campaign.
Centurion (25 points)Place 100 blocks in Build mode.
Champion (25 points)Win 50 Deathmatch games.
Checkpoint! (10 points)Place a Checkpoint in your map.
Come play with me (10 points)Invite a friend to play Gunscape with you.
Contagious (10 points)Play your first Infection game.
Dino Hunter (25 points)Kill a dinosaur boss.
Engineer (25 points)Program 5 Terminals.
Expendable (15 points)Kill 100 AI enemies.
First blood (10 points)Kill an enemy player.
Flag bearer (10 points)Play your first Team Capture-The-Flag game.
Flag hog (25 points)Steal 25 flags in CTF.
Flag runner (25 points)Win 25 CTF games.
Genocide (40 points)Kill 5,000 AI enemies.
Hater (10 points)Rate another player's map as bad.
Hazmat (25 points)Win 25 Infection games.
I'm on your side! (10 points)Play your first Team DeathMatch game.
It's alive! (10 points)Publish your first map.
Kill em all (10 points)Play your first Free-For-All DeathMatch game.
Man with the Gun (10 points)Play your first Gun Game game.
Marksman (25 points)Kill 1,000 players with E-Bow.
Massacre (25 points)Kill 1,000 players with PFG.
Mr Assist (25 points)Return 25 flags in CTF.
Newbie (20 points)Finish the first Blowfish campaign map.
Rubbing shoulders (10 points)Play your first split-screen game.
Serial killer (50 points)Kill 1,000 players.
Slice-n-dice (25 points)Kill 100 players with ID Disc.
Slip-n-slide (10 points)Use the Freezethrower to slide 3 blocks.
Sniper (25 points)Kill 500 players with Gauss Rifle.
Splatter (25 points)Kill 500 players with Dual Zhotguns.
Stonemason (100 points)Place 10,000 blocks in Build mode.
Suicidal (25 points)Kill yourself 50 times.
Survivor (25 points)Win 25 Survival games.
Team playa (10 points)Place a Flag in your map.
Terminated (25 points)Kill a robot boss.
Trapper (25 points)Kill 50 players with Speargun.
Veteran (50 points)Finish the Blowfish campaign.
Voter (10 points)Rate another player's map as good.