Chessarama (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A distant landUnlock Dragon Slayers.10
A distant timeUnlock Lady Ronin.10
A land of tomatoesComplete all Farm Life levels.15
AdvancingGet the third title.15
Aim to the goalUnlock Street Soccer.10
Anti-dovahkiinComplete all Dragon Slayers challenges.30
Beautiful shelfObtain 20 pieces.30
Better and betterGet the fourth title.30
Carlsen's prideGet the sixth title.30
Collecting woodObtain 10 pieces.10
Conspiracy theoryCheck out the hidden OVNI.100
Dragon expertObtain the Dragon set.30
Elegant solutionComplete your first challenge in Campaigns.5
Elegant victoryComplete your first challenge in Battles.5
ExpandingObtain 5 pieces.5
Farm expertObtain the Farmer set.30
Fierceful strifeUnlock Last Stand.10
First StepComplete your first level.5
First halfUnlock Soccer Chess.10
First of manyObtain your first piece.15
Food for the brainComplete a Weekly Challenge.10
Get off my landWin a Knight Supreme match for the first time.5
Katana masterComplete all Lady Ronin challenges.30
Knight versus KnightUnlock Knight Supreme.10
Knowledge conversionUnlock Chess Match.10
Last stepGet the last title.50
Mental exercise of the dayComplete all Daily Challenges of a day.30
Mental exercise of the weekComplete all Weekly Challenges of a week.30
Morphy's prideGet the fifth title.30
No More Mr. Capybara GuyGet the first title.10
No arrow in your kneeComplete all Dragon Slayers levels.15
Not a beginner anymoreWin a Chess Match for the first time.5
One more stepGet the second title.15
One nilWin a Soccer Chess match for the first time.5
Passed Pawn powerWin a Pawn Mania match for the first time.5
Puzzle masterComplete 100 Campaign levels.30
Puzzle solverComplete 50 Campaign levels.15
Queen SupremacyWin a Last Stand match for the first time.5
Ready for world cupComplete all Street Soccer challenges.30
Robust collectionObtain 15 pieces.15
Samurai expertObtain the Samurai set.30
Soccer expertObtain the Soccer set.30
Tainted swordComplete all Lady Ronin levels.15
The grandfather's farmComplete all Farm Life challenges.30
Training the brainComplete a Daily Challenge.10
What a goal!Complete all Street Soccer levels.15
What the...See an animal being abducted.100
Who promotes first?Unlock Pawn Mania.10