Bard's Gold (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
50000 !! (100 points)Collect total of 50000 Gems.
A book worth reading (10 points)Find a skill book.
Always wanted one of these ! (10 points)Make a deal with Reaper.
Bard the Warrior (30 points)Defeat 250 enemies.
Bardlock H. (10 points)Find a hidden treasure.
Bookworm (200 points)Find All Skill books.
Breaker (25 points)Break 200 vases.
Cloudy with a chance of Hadouken (5 points)Ran out of time.
Feeling Safe (10 points)Buy a Shield.
Gemcholic (15 points)Collect 1000 Gems in a single run.
I ain't Afraid of No Ghost (20 points)Defeat the Blood Ghost.
I believe in reincarnation (10 points)Die 5 Times.
I want my gold back ! (125 points)Complete the game.
Invincible (150 points)Clear a world without losing a single life.
Is this a good idea ? (20 points)Sell your soul to the Reaper.
No Goo can stop me ! (10 points)Clear the first world.
Riches ! (25 points)Collect 10000 Gems.
Secret Hunter (25 points)Find 100 Secrets.
Spender (30 points)Spend 2000 Gems in shop.
Temple Raider (20 points)Clear the second world.
The Shadow (20 points)Kill the creep of shadows.
This might help (20 points)Level up a skill.
Treasure Hunter (25 points)Unlock 20 chests.
Treasure Room (30 points)Find a bonus level.
You shall not drill ! (30 points)Clear the third World.
You've got yourself a deal (5 points)Find the secret discount.
a TOWER!? (20 points)Discover tower of patience.