Trenched (Xbox 360)

Avatar Awards

Avatar AwardHow to unlock
Trenched T-ShirtComplete Mobile Trench certification.
TrenchieWrest control of Europe back from the Northern Pylon.

Conscientious objector

This Achievement says that you must complete a mission in single player without firing a shot. That means all destruction of enemy forces falls on using Emplacements. You'll need the best Emplacements to make this possible. Once you do, it's recommended you attempt this on the very first mission in Europe called Beach.

Earning gold medals

You are awarded based on how well you held your ground and performed during the mission (i.e. how well you protected the objective or how quickly you defeated a boss). The highest-ranking Gold Medals are earned if no less than 80% of the primary objective's health remains by the end.

For boss levels, you must defeat the following within the estimated time frame.

Africa: 135 seconds.
Europe: 40 seconds.
Pacific: 320 seconds.

Quick experience and items

When you first start the game, play multiplayer with high level players to unlock items and level up faster.

Re-fill Ammo

When using tripod legs that have Quickload, press A to activate the leg special. When you need a faster reload, press [Reload] then immediately press A again. Your ammo should be re-filled as soon as your trench is up and able to move again.

Various Achievements

To unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points, complete one of the following tasks!

AchievementHow to unlock
African Allies ( 5 points )Defeated the Guardian of the Southern Terminal with 2 or more players.
Bandolier of Brothers ( 5 points )Completed a mission with 4 players.
Battle Buds ( 20 points )Completed 10 Missions with 2 or more players.
Big Spender ( 5 points )Purchased an item in the store.
Bronze Star ( 15 points )Earned a Bronze Medal on every mission.
Conscientious Objector ( 5 points )Completed a solo mission without firing a shot.
European Entourage ( 5 points )Defeated the Northern Pylon with 2 or more players.
Farnsworth Finisher ( 10 points )Defeated Vlad.
Medal of Honor ( 30 points )Earned a Gold Medal on every mission.
Mobile Trench Recruit ( 5 points )Completed Mobile Trench training.
Monovision Massacre ( 15 points )Defeated 3500 Monovisions.
Pacific Partnership ( 5 points )Defeated Vlad with 2 or more players.
Pounder ( 5 points )Destroyed 5 Enemies with a single explosion.
Pylon Pillager ( 10 points )Defeated the Northern Pylon.
Rainmaker ( 10 points )Earned $20,000 from mission completion rewards.
Razputin ( 5 points )Completed a mission while wearing the uniform of an elite PSI agent.
Scrap Snatcher ( 10 points )Collected 10,000 Scrap.
Silver Star ( 20 points )Earned a Silver Medal on every mission.
Terminal Terminator ( 10 points )Defeated the Guardian of the Southern Terminal.
Trickshooter ( 5 points )Killed an enemy with a ricochet sniper shot after 4 bounces.