Vitamin Z (Vita)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock Vita trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
Banafafanafofana (Bronze)Kill 1000 bananas.
Do you Carrot All? (Bronze)Kill 1000 carrots.
Fifth Floor (Bronze)Clear the fifh floor.
First Floor (Bronze)Clear the first floor.
Fourth Floor (Bronze)Clear the fourth floor.
Fully Loaded (Silver)Fully max out all upgrades.
Grapes of Wrath (Bronze)Kill 1000 grapes.
Grip it By the Husk (Bronze)Kill 1000 coconuts.
High Scorer (Bronze)Earn 1,000,000 points.
I am Melon Lord! (Bronze)Kill 1000 watermelons.
Mondo Marinara (Bronze)Kill 1000 tomatoes.
No One Likes Broccoli (Bronze)Kill 1000 broccoli.
Open a Salad Bar (Bronze)Reach a fifty kill combo.
Orange you Glad? (Bronze)Kill 1000 oranges.
Second Floor (Bronze)Clear the second floor.
That's a Lot of Radishes (Bronze)Kill 1000 radishes.
That's the last Straw(berry)! (Bronze)Kill 1000 strawberries.
Third Floor (Bronze)Clear the third floor.
Upgrades Researcher (Bronze)Own one of each upgrate.