Muppets: Movie Adventures, The (Vita)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock Vita trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
Best Actor (Silver)Completed all quests in the game.
Best Director (Silver)Found the Solar System
Best Picture (Silver)Collect all the Cinema Reels.
Best Supporting Actor (Bronze)Collect your first Golden Movie Ticket.
Bold Hero (Gold)Complete all the movies.
Brave Princess (Bronze)Complete the ‘The Wizard of the Green Earth' movie.
Great Pirate Captain (Bronze)Complete the ‘Greenlegs: The Swashbuckling Pirate Frog' movie.
Movie Star (Bronze)Collect your first Star.
Speedy Spaceship (Bronze)Complete the ‘The Koozebane Menace' movie.
Successful Shoot (Bronze)Collect your first Cinema Reel.
Tasty Meatball (Bronze)Complete the ‘The Good, the Bad and the Animal' movie.
Vampire Carrot (Bronze)Complete the ‘The Night of the Walking Veggies' movie.