Hatsune Miku: Project Diva f (Vita)


Kaito's Modules

ModuleHow to unlock
GeneralClear "Unhappy Refrain".
General Alt.Clear "Unhappy Refrain" on Hard difficulty.
GeniusClear "Ashes to Ashes" on Normal difficulty.
GuiltyClear "ACUTE".
Half TightsClear "Ashes to Ashes" on Hard difficulty.
RequiemClear "Ashes to Ashes".
School Uniform ParkaClear "ACUTE" on Normal difficulty.
Yukata StyleClear 10 songs with Kaito.

Len's Modules

ModuleHow to unlock
Bad BoyClear "Unhappy Refrain".
Bad Boy Alt.Clear "Unhappy Refrain" on Hard difficulty.
CraneClear "Kagamine HachiHachi Flower Fight" on Hard difficulty.
Kagamine Len AppendClear any song on Extreme difficulty.
Phoenix MoonClear "Kagamine HachiHachi Flower Fight".
ReceiverClear "Remote Controller".
StarmineClear "Fire Flower".
Student Council OfficerClear "Fire Flower" on Normal difficulty.
Stylish Energy LClear "Remote Controller" on Normal difficulty.
SwimshortsClear "Fire Flower" on Hard difficulty.
Yukata StyleClear 10 songs with Len.

Luka's Modules

ModuleHow to unlock
After School ModeClear "DYE" on Normal difficulty.
AmourClear "ACUTE".
Eternal WhiteClear "DYE".
Light & CasualClear "Glasses".
Queen BeeClear "Glasses" on Normal difficulty.
Racing SwimsuitClear all songs on Hard difficulty.
Resort BikiniClear "Summer Idol" on Hard difficulty.
RubyClear "World's End Dance Hall".
Wood NymphClear all songs on Normal difficulty.
Yukata StyleClear 10 songs with Luka.

Meiko's Modules

ModuleHow to unlock
Blue CrystalClear "Nostalogic".
Border Break OperatorClear all songs on Normal difficulty.
GraduateClear "Nostalogic" on Normal difficulty.
Long PareoClear "Summer Idol" on Hard difficulty.
Noel RougeClear "Stay With Me".
Sakine Meiko OriginalClear "Nostalogic" on Hard difficulty.
Water PoloClear all songs on Hard difficulty.
WhistleClear "Stay With Me" on Normal difficulty.
Yukata StyleClear 10 songs with Meiko.

Miku's Modules

ModuleHow to unlock
AgitationClear "Unhappy Refrain".
Dark AngelClear "Secret Police".
Deep SkyClear "Monochrome Blue Sky".
Divine GoddessClear "God-Tier Tune".
EmeraldClear "World's End Dance Hall".
Factory TyrantClear "Sadistic.Music Factory".
FOnewearl StyleClear "The MMORPG Addict's Anthem".
Hatsune Miku AppendClear any song on Extreme difficulty.
HeartbeatClear "Odds & Ends".
Hello, Good Night.Clear "Negaposi*Continues".
InnocentClear "ACUTE".
Kitty CapeClear "Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!".
Lab GirlClear "What Do You Mean!?".
MemoriaClear "World's End Umbrella".
PansyClear "Weekender Girl".
PierrettaClear "Cat Food".
Polka Dot BikiniClear "Summer Idol".
Racing Miku 2012 Ver.Clear all songs.
Ribbon GirlClear "Cat Food" on Normal difficulty.
Running MikuClear "Black Rock Shooter" on Normal difficulty.
SolitudeClear "Urbandonment".
Star VocalistClear "Freely Tomorrow".
Summer MemoriesClear "Time Machine".
SwimsuitClear all songs on Hard difficulty.
Violet ButterflyClear "What? Ah, Yes.".
Yukata StyleClear 10 songs with Miku.

Rhythm Game Songs

SongHow to unlock
ACUTEClear "Time Machine".
Ashes to AshesClear "What Do You Mean!?".
Black Rock ShooterClear "Odds & Ends".
Continuing DreamClear "Sadistic.Music Factory".
DYEClear "Secret Police".
Fire FlowerClear "Melancholic".
Freely TomorrowClear "Hm? Ah, Yes.".
GlassesClear "Ashes to Ashes".
God-Tier TuneClear "Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!".
Hm? Ah, Yes.Clear "ACUTE".
Kagamine HachiHachi Flower FightClear "World's End Umbrella".
Monochrome Blue SkyClear "Remote Controller".
Negaposi*ContinuesClear "Tengaku".
NostalogicClear "Glasses".
Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!Clear "Kagamine HachiHachi Flower Fight".
Odds & EndsClear "The MMORPG Addict's Anthem".
Remote ControllerClear "Urbandonment".
Sadistic.Music FactoryClear the first 30 songs.
Stay With MeClear "Summer Idol".
Summer IdolClear "Weekender Girl".
TengakuClear "Nostalogic".
The MMORPG Addict's AnthemClear "Monochrome Blue Sky".
Time MachineClear "Cat Food".
Unhappy RefrainClear "World's End Dance Hall".
UrbandonmentClear "DYE".
What Do You Mean!?Clear "Fire Flower".
World's End Dance HallClear "Freely Tomorrow".
World's End UmbrellaClear "Stay With Me".

Rin's Modules

ModuleHow to unlock
AmeClear "Kagamine HachiHachi Flower Fight".
Apprentice MagicianClear all songs on Normal difficulty.
Kagamine Rin AppendClear any song on Extreme difficulty.
MelancholyClear "Melancholic".
Sakura MoonClear "Tengaku".
School SwimwearClear all songs on Hard difficulty.
Striped BikiniClear "Summer Idol".
Stylish Energy RClear "Remote Controller" on Normal difficulty.
Trad SchoolClear "Melancholic" on Normal difficulty.
TransmitterClear "Remote Controller".
Yukata StyleClear 10 songs with Rin.

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock Vita trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
A Place to Unwind (Silver)You earned the title "A Place to Unwind"!
Anything for You (Silver)You earned the title "Anything for You"!
Art Collection (Bronze)You earned the title "Art Collection"!
Bon Appetit! (Bronze)You earned the title "Bon Appetit!"
Concert Tour (Bronze)You earned the title "Concert Tour"!
Elite Player (Gold)You earned the title "Elite Player"!
Entertainer (Gold)You earned the title "Entertainer"!
Fabulous Furniture (Silver)You earned the title "Fabulous Furniture"!
Film Buff (Silver)You earned the title "Film Buff"!
Good Morning! (Bronze)You earned the title "Good Morning!"
I Love DIVA (Bronze)You earned the title "I Love DIVA"!
Kaito's Companion (Silver)You earned the title "Kaito's Companion"!
Len's Buddy (Silver)You earned the title "Len's Buddy"!
Luka's Pal (Silver)You earned the title "Luka's Pal"!
Meiko's Manager (Silver)You earned the title "Meiko's Manager"!
Memory Album (Gold)You earned the title "Memory Album"!
Miku's Partner (Silver)You earned the title "Miku's Partner"!
Module Collector (Gold)You earned the title "Module Collector"!
Newbie Editor (Bronze)You earned the title "Newbie Editor"!
Nice to Meet You (Bronze)You earned the title "Nice to Meet You"!
P is for Producer (Silver)You earned the title "P is for Producer"!
Personal Visit (Bronze)You earned the title "Personal Visit"!
Psychic (Bronze)You earned the title "Psychic"!
Rin's Playmate (Silver)You earned the title "Rin's Playmate"!
Shooting Star (Silver)You earned the title "Shooting Star"!
Skilled Player (Gold)You earned the title "Skilled Player"!
Thumbs Up! (Bronze)You earned the title "Thumbs Up!"
Trophy Master (Platinum)All trophies unlocked!
Welcome to DIVA! (Bronze)You earned the title "Welcome to DIVA!"