$10 Million

Enter GiveMe as a first name and More as a last name.

10 Million Fans

Enter AllBow as a first name and ToMe as a last name.

All Chase Plates

Enter ItsAll as a first name and ForMe as a last name.

Cheat Mode

Select the 'Game Modes' option at the main menu. Then, select 'Fight To The Top'. Enter one of the following case-sensitive first and last names at the driver information screen to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Full Team Prestige

Enter MoMoney as a first name and BlingBling as a last name.

Level 10 Prestige

Enter Outta as a first name and MyWay as a last name.

Old Spice Fantasy track and all cars and drivers in all four divisions

Enter KeepCool as a first name and SmellGreat as a last name.