Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (Sega 32X)


Extra lives and weapons

Press Left, A, Down, B, Right, A, B, Up, Down, A, B, Up, C, A, C, A at the title screen.

Full weapons

Press A, B, Up, C, A, C, A at the title screen.

Level select

Press C, A, C, A, Down, Up, Down, Left, Down, Up(2) at the title screen.

Nine lives

Press Right, A, Down, B, Right, A, B, Up, Down at the title screen.

Original version mini-game

Press Down, A(26), Down at the title screen to play the Atari 2600 version of the game.

Practice "lever" sequence

Press B, A, Down, C, Right, A, B at the title screen.

Turbo mode

Press B, A, Right, C, Right, Up, Down at the title screen.

Unlimited continues

Press C(4), Left, A, Down, Up, Down at the title screen.

View credits

Press C, Right, Down, C, Right, Down, C, Right, Down at the title screen.