Gungriffon II (Saturn)

Bonus vs. Battle map

If you have the original Gun Griffon game, start it up and make sure a game save was placed on your Saturn memory. Now start Gun Griffon II for a bonus vs. battle map called 'Hejaz'.

Cheat Codes

Enter these codes in the Title Screen.

Play in black colorA, C, B, C, C on Controller Two.
Play in pink colorLeft, Left, B, Left, Right on Controller Two.
Remove Enemy Tracking Radar from screenC, C, C, Up, B on Controller Two.
Remove Radar from screenUp, Down, A, A, B on Controller Two.
Show Eliminated EnemiesC, B, A, Z, Y on Controller Two.

Robot Select

First, complete normal mode. Then, press Right, Left, Right, Left, A on controller two at the title screen.