Tales of Zestiria (PlayStation 3)


Chaos mode

Win four hundred battles on the Intense difficulty to unlock the Chaos difficulty.

Monolith locations

Go to the indicated location to find the corresponding Monolith.

LocationHow to unlock
3 Types of ArtesMarlind, the City of the Great Tree.
3 Types of ArtesPendrago Shrinechurch.
3 Types of ArtesTintagel Ruins.
3 Types of ArtesWestronbolt Gorge.
Advanced TechniquesHexen Isle.
Advanced TechniquesLadylake, the Aquapolis.
Advanced TechniquesLamorak Cave.
Advanced TechniquesZaphgott Moor.
ArmatizationMarlind, the City of the Great Tree.
ArmatizationPendrago, the Blessed Capital.
ArmatizationVivia Subterranean Aqueduct.
ArmatizationWestronbolt Gorge.
Blast GaugeCambria Caverns.
Blast GaugeDumnonia Museum.
Blast GaugePlitzerback Wetland.
Blast GaugeRayfalke Spiritcrest.
Changing the Control ModeLakehaven Heights.
Changing the Control ModeTintagel Ruins.
Combo EffectDumnonia Museum.
Combo EffectPearloats Pasture.
Combo EffectRayfalke Spiritcrest.
CommandsBiroclef Ridge.
CommandsLamorak Cave.
Difficulty SettingsCamlann, the Origin Village.
Difficulty SettingsElysia, Home of the Seraphim.
Difficulty SettingsVivia Subterranean Aqueduct.
Difficulty SettingsVolgran Forest.
Dropped ItemsAifread’s Hunting Ground.
Dropped ItemsGalahad Ruins.
Dropped ItemsLamorak Cave.
Effect PotentialDumnonia Museum.
Effect PotentialMeadow of Triumph.
Elements and StatusBors Ruins.
Elements and StatusLakehaven Heights.
Elements and StatusPearloats Pasture.
Elements and StatusPlitzerback Wetland.
GradeBors Ruins.
GradeMalory, the Patinal Forest.
GradeVolgran Forest.
GuardingGlaivend Basin.
GuardingMt. Mabinogio Ruins.
Hidden ArtesLakehaven Heights.
Hidden ArtesLastonbell, City of Artisans.
Hit Points.Ladylake, the Aquapolis.
Hit PointsGlaivend Basin.
Hit PointsVivia Subterranean Aqueduct.
Martial ArtesFalkewin Hillside.
Martial ArtesMt. Mabinogio Ruins.
Mystic ArtesIgraine, Shrine of the Fire Trial.
Mystic ArtesMorgause, Shrine of the Earth Trial.
Mystic ArtesVolgran Forest.
Power LinksMeadow of Triumph.
QuickstepElysia, Home of the Seraphim.
QuickstepFalkewin Hillside.
QuickstepGalahad Ruins.
Seraphic ArtesGlaivend Basin.
Seraphic ArtesLadylake, the Aquapolis.
Seraphic ArtesLastonbell, City of Artisans.
Seraphic ArtesZaphgott Moor.
Spirit ChainLastonbell, City of Artisans.
Spirit ChainMt. Mabinogio Ruins.
Spirit ChainVivia Subterranean Aqueduct.
Status AilmentsGaferis Ruins.
Status AilmentsIgraine, Shrine of the Fire Trial.
Status AilmentsTintagel Ruins.
StrategyMarlind, the City of the Great Tree.
Switching SeraphimAifread’s Hunting Ground.
Switching SeraphimFalkewin Hillside.
Switching SeraphimRayfalke Spiritcrest.
TargetingElysia, Home of the Seraphim.
TargetingGalahad Ruins.
TargetingMorgause, Shrine of the Earth Trial.
Weaknesses and ResistancesBors Ruins.
Weaknesses and ResistancesGalahad Ruins.
Weaknesses and ResistancesMalory, the Patinal Forest.
Weaknesses and ResistancesVivia Subterranean Aqueduct.
When The Going Gets ToughMarlind, the City of the Great Tree.
When The Going Gets ToughMeadow of Triumph.