Kick-Ass (PlayStation 3)

Finding the Junkyard King

Play mission four. After getting out of the main building in the Junkyard and you are nearing to go up the ramp, do not go up the ramp. Next to the ramp is a small path that leads to the Junkyard King. He has quite a bit of HP. It will require some time to take him out.

Secret Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
Jerry Lee ( Bronze )Light a Piano on fire in the Penthouse.
Junkyard King ( Bronze )Find and kill the Junkyard King.


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
Bazooka Expert (Silver)Complete the game in Normal Difficulty.
Big Daddy Expert (Bronze)With Big Daddy, use the flashbang to stun 6 enemies at once.
Collector (Bronze)Collect all 8 hidden comic books.
Completionist (Bronze)Level up any one character to level 50.
Hit Girl Expert (Bronze)With Hit Girl, Kill 2 enemies in one wall run attack.
I have a friend (Bronze)Complete a level in Co-op.
I'm not Invisible (Bronze)Set off the security camera 5 times in one level.
Kick-Ass Expert (Bronze)With Kick-Ass, Kill 10 enemies during one rage activation.
OCD (Silver)Destroy 1000 Crates.
Slaughter Master (Silver)Kill 1000 enemies.
Too Easy (Gold)Complete the game in Extreme Mode.