Dead Block (PlayStation 3)

Various Trophies

Unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards, by completing the following tasks.

TrophyHow to unlock
All Traps (Silver)Build every trap and a wood blockade in one level.
Bomber (Bronze)Kill twenty zombies with a single bomb trap.
Cactustime (Bronze)While playing Mike, search four cacti in a row.
Dead can Dance (Bronze)Activate the Jukebox and make a zombie dance.
Game Complete (Silver)Complete all singleplayer levels.
Jack the Builder (Bronze)Put blockades on every door and window in one level.
Medal Seeker (Gold)Win all gold medals in all singleplayer levels.
Multikill (Bronze)While playing Foxy, kill three zombies with one melee attack.
Nightshift (Bronze)Play five minutes in darkness.
Poo Dance (Silver)Make ten infected zombies dance at the same time.
Quintupel Super Awesome (Bronze)Build five blockades with super awesome finish in a row.
Work force (Bronze)Employ 20 construction zombies at the same time.